Before I start, please be warned that offense may happen as I step on my soap box. However, please also know that this is NOT aimed at anyone specifically and it is only a result of a conversation I had with my six-year-old son tonight..,
So since Noah was a baby, I've struggled with the decision to teach and/or support the Santa Claus theory.
When he was a baby, there was never a problem with it. He was too little to even know what Christmas was let alone Santa and everything else. We bought his gifts along with family and the word "Santa" was never mentioned.
When he was younger, I would tell Scott that I refused to allow our kids to believe in Santa. Coming from a united Pentecostal background, teaching Santa to your children didn't happen. I grew up knowing he didn't exist and I don't feel I missed out on anything.
As he got older, the world of Santa has been introduced to him. Daycare, school, television play a huge part. His daycare (after Olivia was born brings in a "Santa" and gives each child a gift which the parents pre-purchase, wrap and drop off to the daycare prior to the special visit.
When this would happen, we would tell Noah/Olivia that gifts from Santa only happen at daycare. We didn't want them to not get a gift when other children did, but they were too young to be trusted with the "Santa is not real" discussion for fear of the other children's familial beliefs.
This year, both kids were discussing openly about Santa and how they were excited for Christmas. We had had enough. Since earlier in the year we had briefly touched on the subject on Santa not being real, we went into more detail explaining how he wasn't real and that all gifts come from mom and dad and family. They seemed to get it; weren't disappointed since we had never made Santa a big deal.
Today, while at my company's Christmas party, Noah decides to write Santa a letter. I quietly explain that all his gifts are bought. He proceeds to tell me that "yes, but I'm asking Santa for something else that he can make and bring to me". I asked him if he remembered what we discussed a few nights before. He said yes, but wasn't sure he believed me. Since we were in a crowded room full of believers, I left it at that and knew that Christmas morning e would clearly know that he isn't exist since that item would NOT be under the tree.
Tonight, instead of doing a devotion, I told Noah the story of Saint Nicholas (VeggieTale style) and how from that wonderful act of spreading Jesus' love, the story of Santa Claus came out.
I, then, had an "AHA" moment. I told Noah that Saint Nicholas was a person like us and that people die. I asked Noah if he thought that anyone could live forever. He knew right away that God never dies and that Jesus died but came back to life. I then asked if he thought any other person could live forever without dying? He said "no".
Here is my soap-box moment... From that I had a moment of sadness for all Christians who teach their children that Santa is real. They are not only lying to their child, they are also giving someone else the same power that God has. Think about it..Santa never dies, you can't see Santa but he exists,Santa sees everything you do and rewards you if you are good, Santa brings them joy by delivering all these gifts on Christmas day.
If you want your child to believe in the one and only true God, you can't lie to them about Santa....cause really there are too many similarities in the story. I truly believe that this innocent story has been used by centuries to put the same doubt that children have about Santa in their minds about God. You can't tell them Santa is real, then when they find out it isn't true expect them to believe that God is real too.
Stepping off my soap box now!
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Arghhh! Why the controversy...
So, tonight I post a harmless status update on Facebook, and the first response makes me livid. What was a reflection on MYSELF somehow became a pissing contest over the controversy of working mom vs stay-at-home-mom.
My post was "Hmmm, I wonder if I were a stay-at-home wife/mom, would I learn to love housekeeping/cleaning? I would certainly have more time for it, but I doubt I would devote much time to it....yup, I think I would be lazy! Thankfully, I like working outside the home!"
I was simply stating the fact that I don't think I would be a good stay-at-home wife. I feel that if I were to choose that for our family, one of my main duties would be to take care of the home, in it's entirety, while my husband supported our family. (this is my personal opinion for me and my family). I would not expect my house to be in the state that it sometimes is with both of us working. I would expect untidiness at times, but I would expect that for a better part of my time at home, I would be keeping the house in good shape.
My status was simply stating that since I hate the housework and the daily chores around the house, I don't think I would make a good stay-at-home wife.
I didn't mention children, raising children, the blessing of being able to raise them....
For someone to bring children into this is a huge critical daggar to me....I don't feel that I'm NOT raising my children. I work outside the home. I still wake my children up, pack them a lunch (while in school), I do their homework with them, I cook their supper, I give them baths, I do devotions with them, I do their prayers at night, I tuck them in, I play with them, etc.... How am I not raising them? So, to comment on my self appraisal of a housekeeper and say that it is a blessing to be home and raise one's children, really ticks me off....
I have friends who are stay-at-home-moms and I have friends who are working moms. I've come to a pretty profound conclusion over who loves their children more....
First I will explain my choice of being a working mom....
Back before I was ever pregnant, I used to say that I wanted to be a stay-at-home-mom. During my maternity leave, I looked for every at-home opportunity to earn money. I dreaded going back to work and leaving my child with someone else during the day. I sat down with my husband, we discussed the options and really looked at the finances and our quality of life and what we wanted. We chose, together, that I would return to work. I got slack from a couple people, but it was my choice.
After the first few weeks, I really enjoyed working outside of the home. There were times when I would have loved to be at home....but those days existed before I had kids too. I enjoyed the socialization of work, I loved what I did, I felt satisfied and like I was accomplishing something. I also felt like I was helping my husband with any financial strain he might feel supporting our family. Most of all, I felt the wonderful joy of spending my evenings and weekends with my family where we would have fun, we would play and we would just enjoy each other's time.
I didn't feel that my son (and now my daughter) ever loved caretakers more than me. I never felt that I was missing out on development. I have yet to regret our decision for me to return to the workplace.
I have a wonderful workplace where family is a priority. I am free to take time off with the kids when they are sick, I am free to take appointment time with the children. I have ample vacation time to spend with my family making lasting memories. I have wonderful hours where I have evenings and weekends to spend with them.
Now my big revelation....who loves their kids more...stay-at-home-moms or working moms......
NEITHER... We are mothers and we all love our kids the same. We would do anything for them and would rather see them happy than anything else in the world.
As women, we need to stop trying to make the other side of what we are living feel guilty for their choices. As responsible adults, we do what we feel is right for our families and this stupid controversy over which parent is better and which parent is more blessed really makes me angry.
Working moms love their kids. Stay-at-home moms love their kids. Neither one are better than the other. They have both made choices and sacrifices as a family unit and they are living the life they chose. They don't need condemnation or criticism from anyone.
As mom's we have enough guilt in our lives, we don't need it from each other. Let us support one another in our choices.
My post was "Hmmm, I wonder if I were a stay-at-home wife/mom, would I learn to love housekeeping/cleaning? I would certainly have more time for it, but I doubt I would devote much time to it....yup, I think I would be lazy! Thankfully, I like working outside the home!"
I was simply stating the fact that I don't think I would be a good stay-at-home wife. I feel that if I were to choose that for our family, one of my main duties would be to take care of the home, in it's entirety, while my husband supported our family. (this is my personal opinion for me and my family). I would not expect my house to be in the state that it sometimes is with both of us working. I would expect untidiness at times, but I would expect that for a better part of my time at home, I would be keeping the house in good shape.
My status was simply stating that since I hate the housework and the daily chores around the house, I don't think I would make a good stay-at-home wife.
I didn't mention children, raising children, the blessing of being able to raise them....
For someone to bring children into this is a huge critical daggar to me....I don't feel that I'm NOT raising my children. I work outside the home. I still wake my children up, pack them a lunch (while in school), I do their homework with them, I cook their supper, I give them baths, I do devotions with them, I do their prayers at night, I tuck them in, I play with them, etc.... How am I not raising them? So, to comment on my self appraisal of a housekeeper and say that it is a blessing to be home and raise one's children, really ticks me off....
I have friends who are stay-at-home-moms and I have friends who are working moms. I've come to a pretty profound conclusion over who loves their children more....
First I will explain my choice of being a working mom....
Back before I was ever pregnant, I used to say that I wanted to be a stay-at-home-mom. During my maternity leave, I looked for every at-home opportunity to earn money. I dreaded going back to work and leaving my child with someone else during the day. I sat down with my husband, we discussed the options and really looked at the finances and our quality of life and what we wanted. We chose, together, that I would return to work. I got slack from a couple people, but it was my choice.
After the first few weeks, I really enjoyed working outside of the home. There were times when I would have loved to be at home....but those days existed before I had kids too. I enjoyed the socialization of work, I loved what I did, I felt satisfied and like I was accomplishing something. I also felt like I was helping my husband with any financial strain he might feel supporting our family. Most of all, I felt the wonderful joy of spending my evenings and weekends with my family where we would have fun, we would play and we would just enjoy each other's time.
I didn't feel that my son (and now my daughter) ever loved caretakers more than me. I never felt that I was missing out on development. I have yet to regret our decision for me to return to the workplace.
I have a wonderful workplace where family is a priority. I am free to take time off with the kids when they are sick, I am free to take appointment time with the children. I have ample vacation time to spend with my family making lasting memories. I have wonderful hours where I have evenings and weekends to spend with them.
Now my big revelation....who loves their kids more...stay-at-home-moms or working moms......
NEITHER... We are mothers and we all love our kids the same. We would do anything for them and would rather see them happy than anything else in the world.
As women, we need to stop trying to make the other side of what we are living feel guilty for their choices. As responsible adults, we do what we feel is right for our families and this stupid controversy over which parent is better and which parent is more blessed really makes me angry.
Working moms love their kids. Stay-at-home moms love their kids. Neither one are better than the other. They have both made choices and sacrifices as a family unit and they are living the life they chose. They don't need condemnation or criticism from anyone.
As mom's we have enough guilt in our lives, we don't need it from each other. Let us support one another in our choices.
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Hello hello
Just in case anyone has missed me, I'm still alive :)
We've had a busy month. We had a wonderful 2 weeks spending quality time as a family while the daycare was closed. I can't believe how good it is to have a lot of time all together without agendas, without schedules, without limitations and just time to spend together and loving on each other.
As always, we did a lot of local activities; water park, amusement park, provincial park, an other local and regional tourist attractions.
I went back to work feeling rejuvenated and very happy and thankful forthe time
We got to spend together.
Hope everyone out there is having a great summer :)
We've had a busy month. We had a wonderful 2 weeks spending quality time as a family while the daycare was closed. I can't believe how good it is to have a lot of time all together without agendas, without schedules, without limitations and just time to spend together and loving on each other.
As always, we did a lot of local activities; water park, amusement park, provincial park, an other local and regional tourist attractions.
I went back to work feeling rejuvenated and very happy and thankful forthe time
We got to spend together.
Hope everyone out there is having a great summer :)
Monday, July 11, 2011
Just a few things...
I've been neglecting my blog for a few days/weeks, but it hasn't been intentional...just living life.
We've had our family pictures done.....FINALLY!!! They are absolutely phenomenal if I do say so myself. Everything I hoped they would be and more. Holly captured the essence of our family...God has truly and richly blessed her with such talent. Joy just oozes from can one not have good results with such a joyous photographer.
Ive been doing A LOT of reading lately. I decided to attempt reading the Twilight series. I was against the hype and vowed I would never read it. Well, I gave in to prove a point that I wouldn't like it like everyone else. Epic fail....I became a huge fan! So much so, I read all 4 books in just a day over 1 week. Ive since read a leaked version of the first book from Edward's point of view and I became enthralled all over again. Such a great series.
Today, I started reading The Help and so far, it is panning out to be a great book.
Besides reading and work, this past week, our family has been enjoying our Christmas gift to ourselves...our Magic Mountain season's passes. We've gone 4 times in the past week!!!! So much fun!!! So happy with the wonderful weather we have been having!
If you are looking for a great family gift, it is such an awesome deal. For $260 (+tax) you can season's passes for a family of 4. One day alone for a family of 4 in season, are $85.50. So, we only have to go 3 times to make up the cost.
Olivia has been to the ophthalmologist. She is going to work towards having Liv's lazy eye corrected by the time ahe starts school. In order to achieve that, she will continue with her patching. Additionally, she will get drops added to her good eye (right) to dilate the pupil and render it weaker than her left. She has had the prescription lens removed from her glasses for the right lens. So, we are patching her right eye for 6-8 hrs per day, when she isn't patched, her right eye will be dilated with a Plano lens in her glasses. All of this to force her left eye to do the work to train her brain as well as develop that muscle to work in unison with her right eye later. Ahe is such a good sport and doesn't seem to complain. The dilation stings a bit, her eyes are sensitive to te light, and her overall vision is blurry because her weak eye is doing the "seeing".
Noah is busy continuing his learning to read adventure. Whenever you see him, he seems to always have a pen an paper in his hand. He wants to write everything and amazes me how well he is doing. According to his report card, which we are very proud of on all accounts, he is reading above a kindergarten level. My goal for the year was that he would read at his we are happy with his progress.
Well, I guess those are my few things to share.
If you want to see a snapping of our family photos, visit Holly Howe's blog. I follow her on blogspot, so you can find her there. One more thing, I really recommend her, so please contact her to get your pics done....she is so worth it!!
We've had our family pictures done.....FINALLY!!! They are absolutely phenomenal if I do say so myself. Everything I hoped they would be and more. Holly captured the essence of our family...God has truly and richly blessed her with such talent. Joy just oozes from can one not have good results with such a joyous photographer.
Ive been doing A LOT of reading lately. I decided to attempt reading the Twilight series. I was against the hype and vowed I would never read it. Well, I gave in to prove a point that I wouldn't like it like everyone else. Epic fail....I became a huge fan! So much so, I read all 4 books in just a day over 1 week. Ive since read a leaked version of the first book from Edward's point of view and I became enthralled all over again. Such a great series.
Today, I started reading The Help and so far, it is panning out to be a great book.
Besides reading and work, this past week, our family has been enjoying our Christmas gift to ourselves...our Magic Mountain season's passes. We've gone 4 times in the past week!!!! So much fun!!! So happy with the wonderful weather we have been having!
If you are looking for a great family gift, it is such an awesome deal. For $260 (+tax) you can season's passes for a family of 4. One day alone for a family of 4 in season, are $85.50. So, we only have to go 3 times to make up the cost.
Olivia has been to the ophthalmologist. She is going to work towards having Liv's lazy eye corrected by the time ahe starts school. In order to achieve that, she will continue with her patching. Additionally, she will get drops added to her good eye (right) to dilate the pupil and render it weaker than her left. She has had the prescription lens removed from her glasses for the right lens. So, we are patching her right eye for 6-8 hrs per day, when she isn't patched, her right eye will be dilated with a Plano lens in her glasses. All of this to force her left eye to do the work to train her brain as well as develop that muscle to work in unison with her right eye later. Ahe is such a good sport and doesn't seem to complain. The dilation stings a bit, her eyes are sensitive to te light, and her overall vision is blurry because her weak eye is doing the "seeing".
Noah is busy continuing his learning to read adventure. Whenever you see him, he seems to always have a pen an paper in his hand. He wants to write everything and amazes me how well he is doing. According to his report card, which we are very proud of on all accounts, he is reading above a kindergarten level. My goal for the year was that he would read at his we are happy with his progress.
Well, I guess those are my few things to share.
If you want to see a snapping of our family photos, visit Holly Howe's blog. I follow her on blogspot, so you can find her there. One more thing, I really recommend her, so please contact her to get your pics done....she is so worth it!!
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
A Little Nostalgic...
Last night I watched "19 Kids and Counting". It isn't something I normally watch, but on a side note, I must say how impressed that I am with the Duggars and their faithfulness to God and their faith and keeping it "real". A lot of people see the 19 kids and think they are crazy...I have thoughts on this...they are a self-sufficient family, they are raising a fine group of God-fearing/loving children who know compassion, kindness, thoughtfulness, courtesy and a lot of the qualities of true Christians. I commend them for doing what most of is with one or two children can find a daunting challenge.
Now, I'll step down off my soap box and blog my real reason for my post.
Last night's episode was Josh (eldest Duggar child) and his wife Anna and the birth of their second child. As I watched her labour at home and cuddle her one-year-old and wrap with tears of excitement, joy, and pure exhaustion, I began to bawl.
I've been there twice. As I watched her, I reminisced back 6 and 4 years ago when I, too, felt all those emotions in anticipation for my children.
It seems like yesterday all I had was hope and dreams for those little bundles. Today, I get to see those hopes grow throught the various stages...some haven't begun, some have just started, some are slowly progressing, some are building fast, some are already complete and there are some that have even surpassed my initial hopes.
Parenthood/motherhood is such an awesome experience that I sometimes unknowingly and unfortunately take for granted. Even with some of the hardships I had to endure before having my miracles, I still have had days where I haven't expressed or shown gratitude to the One who made it all possible.
Thank you, Father, for hearing my pleading cries and fulfilling all my dreams by allowing me the privilege of being a mom to two wonderful children whom I love with my whole heart.
Tonight I bless them and recommit them to you. I pray that the Lord will bless and protect you Noah and Olivia. I pray that He will show you mercy and kindness. I pray the Lord will ALWAYS be good to you and give you peace. I love you both so much!
Now, I'll step down off my soap box and blog my real reason for my post.
Last night's episode was Josh (eldest Duggar child) and his wife Anna and the birth of their second child. As I watched her labour at home and cuddle her one-year-old and wrap with tears of excitement, joy, and pure exhaustion, I began to bawl.
I've been there twice. As I watched her, I reminisced back 6 and 4 years ago when I, too, felt all those emotions in anticipation for my children.
It seems like yesterday all I had was hope and dreams for those little bundles. Today, I get to see those hopes grow throught the various stages...some haven't begun, some have just started, some are slowly progressing, some are building fast, some are already complete and there are some that have even surpassed my initial hopes.
Parenthood/motherhood is such an awesome experience that I sometimes unknowingly and unfortunately take for granted. Even with some of the hardships I had to endure before having my miracles, I still have had days where I haven't expressed or shown gratitude to the One who made it all possible.
Thank you, Father, for hearing my pleading cries and fulfilling all my dreams by allowing me the privilege of being a mom to two wonderful children whom I love with my whole heart.
Tonight I bless them and recommit them to you. I pray that the Lord will bless and protect you Noah and Olivia. I pray that He will show you mercy and kindness. I pray the Lord will ALWAYS be good to you and give you peace. I love you both so much!
Friday, June 17, 2011
Last "sick day"
I've had a great last "sick day".
I've been feeling really well the last 2 days...I haven't had any meds (not even Tylenol) since Tuesday night. I likely could have gone back to work today, but having the weekend to complete the recovery brings me to almost a full two weeks and less chance of issues of being worn out when I go back to work.
This morning, I had planned to have my closest friend over for lunch while she delivered Scott's father's day gift. Surprisingly, I received a text from another friend who asked if I wanted to go see Noah's class (her daughter is in Noah's class) perform during the talent show. They were singing a song...."Old MacDonald's Alphabet Soup" - kinda funny since their teacher's name is Mrs MacDonald.
We only stayed for their song, but got to see the first 6 talents before their class went up. It really brightened up my day...their talents would last 10-20 seconds, it was rather quick.
After we left, we went to the local coffee shop to chat for a few minutes.
When I got home, I breezed through the meal prep for my "delivery" friend. We had an awesome meal...salmon on the grill, basmati rice and fresh green beans. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the gift we are going to give to Scott. I need to go out tomorrow to pick something to accompany it...but that SHOULD be a breeze.
All in all, a great day! To top it off, the weather outside is fantastic. Tomorrow, it is supposed to rain....kinda sucks since our family photos were supposed to be tomorrow, but we've rescheduled to 6:30 pm on Monday. I pray that my normally behaved children will continue with that attitude/behaviour and are a continued delight at a time close to their bedtime.
I've been wanting professional family photos for so long and I'm so excited that it is finally going to happen. I've been admiring the photog's blog with her photo gallery for so long that I know that she will capture the essence of our family and hopefully I will not be too critical of portraits of me. If you want to see her is the link to her will be amazed/impressed she is so amazing.
Tonight, we are ending this awesome day by surprising the kids and taking them to the drive-in to watch KungFu Panda. Every year, we at least get out once to the drive-in with the kids. It always depends on movie selection and the pairing of the kids and adults movie. This week, it is KungFu Panda and then for the adults, it is Thor....not my preference, but at least bearable.
Have an awesome weekend everyone. Hope it is filled with activities honoring the father's of your lives. Ours will be spent honoring the best father I know....the one who chose to be a father to my children. Love you Scott!
I've been feeling really well the last 2 days...I haven't had any meds (not even Tylenol) since Tuesday night. I likely could have gone back to work today, but having the weekend to complete the recovery brings me to almost a full two weeks and less chance of issues of being worn out when I go back to work.
This morning, I had planned to have my closest friend over for lunch while she delivered Scott's father's day gift. Surprisingly, I received a text from another friend who asked if I wanted to go see Noah's class (her daughter is in Noah's class) perform during the talent show. They were singing a song...."Old MacDonald's Alphabet Soup" - kinda funny since their teacher's name is Mrs MacDonald.
We only stayed for their song, but got to see the first 6 talents before their class went up. It really brightened up my day...their talents would last 10-20 seconds, it was rather quick.
After we left, we went to the local coffee shop to chat for a few minutes.
When I got home, I breezed through the meal prep for my "delivery" friend. We had an awesome meal...salmon on the grill, basmati rice and fresh green beans. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the gift we are going to give to Scott. I need to go out tomorrow to pick something to accompany it...but that SHOULD be a breeze.
All in all, a great day! To top it off, the weather outside is fantastic. Tomorrow, it is supposed to rain....kinda sucks since our family photos were supposed to be tomorrow, but we've rescheduled to 6:30 pm on Monday. I pray that my normally behaved children will continue with that attitude/behaviour and are a continued delight at a time close to their bedtime.
I've been wanting professional family photos for so long and I'm so excited that it is finally going to happen. I've been admiring the photog's blog with her photo gallery for so long that I know that she will capture the essence of our family and hopefully I will not be too critical of portraits of me. If you want to see her is the link to her will be amazed/impressed she is so amazing.
Tonight, we are ending this awesome day by surprising the kids and taking them to the drive-in to watch KungFu Panda. Every year, we at least get out once to the drive-in with the kids. It always depends on movie selection and the pairing of the kids and adults movie. This week, it is KungFu Panda and then for the adults, it is Thor....not my preference, but at least bearable.
Have an awesome weekend everyone. Hope it is filled with activities honoring the father's of your lives. Ours will be spent honoring the best father I know....the one who chose to be a father to my children. Love you Scott!
Thursday, June 16, 2011
It Is Well With My Soul
Wow! I happened upon this last night when searching for something totally unrelated. I am amazed at God's sustaining power in some people's lives!!!
Found it on the following website:
Horatio Spafford (1828-1888) was a wealthy Chicago lawyer with a thriving legal practice, a beautiful home, a wife, four daughters and a son. He was also a devout Christian and faithful student of the Scriptures. His circle of friends included Dwight L. Moody, Ira Sankey and various other well-known Christians of the day.
At the very height of his financial and professional success, Horatio and his wife Anna suffered the tragic loss of their young son. Shortly thereafter on October 8, 1871, the Great Chicago Fire destroyed almost every real estate investment that Spafford had.
In 1873, Spafford scheduled a boat trip to Europe in order to give his wife and daughters a much needed vacation and time to recover from the tragedy. He also went to join Moody and Sankey on an evangelistic campaign in England. Spafford sent his wife and daughters ahead of him while he remained in Chicago to take care of some unexpected last minute business. Several days later he received notice that his family's ship had encountered a collision. All four of his daughters drowned; only his wife had survived.
With a heavy heart, Spafford boarded a boat that would take him to his grieving Anna in England. It was on this trip that he penned those now famous words, When sorrow like sea billows roll; it is well, it is well with my soul..
Philip Bliss (1838-1876), composer of many songs including Hold the Fort, Let the Lower Lights be Burning, and Jesus Loves Even Me, was so impressed with Spafford's life and the words of his hymn that he composed a beautiful piece of music to accompany the lyrics. The song was published by Bliss and Sankey, in 1876.
For more than a century, the tragic story of one man has given hope to countless thousands who have lifted their voices to sing, It Is Well With My Soul.
This visual, Be Not Anxious Church PowerPoint, provides an ideal enhancement to the words of the song.
It Is Well With My Soul
When peace, like a river, attendeth my way,
When sorrows like sea billows roll;
Whatever my lot, Thou hast taught me to say,
It is well, it is well with my soul.
It is well (it is well),
with my soul (with my soul),
It is well, it is well with my soul.
Though Satan should buffet, though trials should come,
Let this blest assurance control,
That Christ hath regarded my helpless estate,
And hath shed His own blood for my soul.
My sin, oh the bliss of this glorious thought!
My sin, not in part but the whole,
Is nailed to His cross, and I bear it no more,
Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, O my soul!
For me, be it Christ, be it Christ hence to live:
If Jordan above me shall roll,
No pang shall be mine, for in death as in life
Thou wilt whisper Thy peace to my soul.
And Lord haste the day, when my faith shall be sight,
The clouds be rolled back as a scroll;
The trump shall resound, and the Lord shall descend,
Even so, it is well with my soul.
“Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:6-7)
Found it on the following website:
It is Well with My Soul, the Song and the Story
Composer Horatio Spafford, It is Well with My Soul
At the very height of his financial and professional success, Horatio and his wife Anna suffered the tragic loss of their young son. Shortly thereafter on October 8, 1871, the Great Chicago Fire destroyed almost every real estate investment that Spafford had.
In 1873, Spafford scheduled a boat trip to Europe in order to give his wife and daughters a much needed vacation and time to recover from the tragedy. He also went to join Moody and Sankey on an evangelistic campaign in England. Spafford sent his wife and daughters ahead of him while he remained in Chicago to take care of some unexpected last minute business. Several days later he received notice that his family's ship had encountered a collision. All four of his daughters drowned; only his wife had survived.
With a heavy heart, Spafford boarded a boat that would take him to his grieving Anna in England. It was on this trip that he penned those now famous words, When sorrow like sea billows roll; it is well, it is well with my soul..
Philip Bliss (1838-1876), composer of many songs including Hold the Fort, Let the Lower Lights be Burning, and Jesus Loves Even Me, was so impressed with Spafford's life and the words of his hymn that he composed a beautiful piece of music to accompany the lyrics. The song was published by Bliss and Sankey, in 1876.
For more than a century, the tragic story of one man has given hope to countless thousands who have lifted their voices to sing, It Is Well With My Soul.
This visual, Be Not Anxious Church PowerPoint, provides an ideal enhancement to the words of the song.
It Is Well With My Soul
When peace, like a river, attendeth my way,
When sorrows like sea billows roll;
Whatever my lot, Thou hast taught me to say,
It is well, it is well with my soul.
It is well (it is well),
with my soul (with my soul),
It is well, it is well with my soul.
Though Satan should buffet, though trials should come,
Let this blest assurance control,
That Christ hath regarded my helpless estate,
And hath shed His own blood for my soul.
My sin, oh the bliss of this glorious thought!
My sin, not in part but the whole,
Is nailed to His cross, and I bear it no more,
Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, O my soul!
For me, be it Christ, be it Christ hence to live:
If Jordan above me shall roll,
No pang shall be mine, for in death as in life
Thou wilt whisper Thy peace to my soul.
And Lord haste the day, when my faith shall be sight,
The clouds be rolled back as a scroll;
The trump shall resound, and the Lord shall descend,
Even so, it is well with my soul.
“Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:6-7)
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Six days post surgery
Tomorrow will mark one week from my surgery to remove my gallbladder.
Everything went well! I had low blood pressure right after, but considering my blood pressure was only 106/62 before surgery (my normal), they weren't overly concerned with the 90some/50some.
I was home by 3:30-4:00 pm and in bed resting with some wonderful drugs.
Since then, I've been moving more with less pain every day. My goal was to be in a state where I could attend Olivia's 4th birthday party on Saturday. Thankfully, I went and had no issues at all, other than being very tired (read exhausted and very bloated)for 24 hrs later.
Nothing much else to update other than my sweet beautiful little girl is now 4-years-old. This week has ironically been a reminder of 4 years ago...needing to sleep propped up with pillows, extremely tired, and mild discomfort.
It still feels like yesterday that I was going to bed at 11:24 pm and I tell Scott that I'm having horrible pain. He tells me to try to rest. Olivia had other plans, 3-5 mins later, the pain was back.
At 1:06 (after waiting for Scott and Noah to arrive), my precious baby girl was born and our family was complete.
Happy Birthday Olivia! Mommy loves you so much and can't be prouder than to call you my daughter <3
I'm no
Everything went well! I had low blood pressure right after, but considering my blood pressure was only 106/62 before surgery (my normal), they weren't overly concerned with the 90some/50some.
I was home by 3:30-4:00 pm and in bed resting with some wonderful drugs.
Since then, I've been moving more with less pain every day. My goal was to be in a state where I could attend Olivia's 4th birthday party on Saturday. Thankfully, I went and had no issues at all, other than being very tired (read exhausted and very bloated)for 24 hrs later.
Nothing much else to update other than my sweet beautiful little girl is now 4-years-old. This week has ironically been a reminder of 4 years ago...needing to sleep propped up with pillows, extremely tired, and mild discomfort.
It still feels like yesterday that I was going to bed at 11:24 pm and I tell Scott that I'm having horrible pain. He tells me to try to rest. Olivia had other plans, 3-5 mins later, the pain was back.
At 1:06 (after waiting for Scott and Noah to arrive), my precious baby girl was born and our family was complete.
Happy Birthday Olivia! Mommy loves you so much and can't be prouder than to call you my daughter <3
I'm no
Sunday, June 5, 2011
All in good time...
Who ever said/thought positive thinking and the choice of blessing over cursing doeant work?!?!?
Well, I've got a story for you!!!
Remember my pesky gallbladder? The cancellation of the surgery to remove said gallbladder?
Well since my canceled surgery, I've had no major attacks, I've had no major pain, and some days have gone without any symptoms at all :)
On the 31st, I felt the urge to call my surgeon's office to check in to see if anything had progressed, were they booking surgeries for July, if ahe was back in Moncton.
To my surprise, she was in Moncton and was likely booking surgery for Mid-to-late June. They asked if I would be willing to have surgery on the 13th or the following week. Of course, I said yes. They said they would mark my name as a potential, but needed to discuss the schedule with the doctor as she ultimately chooses who goes and in what order.
Fast forward a few days, June 2nd, I get a phone-call late in the afternoon. "can you make it for surgery next Wednesday (8th)?" Without hesitation, I said yes and now I'm 3 sleeps away from surgery.
To make it even better, I don't have to travel an hour away (early in the morning, involving my father in law to drop te kids off at daycare/school, my surgery is in my city and I don't have to be there until 8:20 in the morning. I should be released by 2:00 pm and home before the kids are home from daycare/school.
Wowzers! I'm excited that I'm so blessed that I haven't had a torturous ordeal that most have with their gallbladder before removal.
Another positive thing! I received a call from Liv's ophthalmologist. What normally can be a 6-12 month wait time, we have her appt for July 4th. Can't wait to have her eye condition assessed and know the treatment plan. The patch seems to be working, buy we weren't given a definite course of action from our optometrist who is soon leaving to have her third child.
All of this pleases me immensely! Thank you God for working all things for my good!
Well, I've got a story for you!!!
Remember my pesky gallbladder? The cancellation of the surgery to remove said gallbladder?
Well since my canceled surgery, I've had no major attacks, I've had no major pain, and some days have gone without any symptoms at all :)
On the 31st, I felt the urge to call my surgeon's office to check in to see if anything had progressed, were they booking surgeries for July, if ahe was back in Moncton.
To my surprise, she was in Moncton and was likely booking surgery for Mid-to-late June. They asked if I would be willing to have surgery on the 13th or the following week. Of course, I said yes. They said they would mark my name as a potential, but needed to discuss the schedule with the doctor as she ultimately chooses who goes and in what order.
Fast forward a few days, June 2nd, I get a phone-call late in the afternoon. "can you make it for surgery next Wednesday (8th)?" Without hesitation, I said yes and now I'm 3 sleeps away from surgery.
To make it even better, I don't have to travel an hour away (early in the morning, involving my father in law to drop te kids off at daycare/school, my surgery is in my city and I don't have to be there until 8:20 in the morning. I should be released by 2:00 pm and home before the kids are home from daycare/school.
Wowzers! I'm excited that I'm so blessed that I haven't had a torturous ordeal that most have with their gallbladder before removal.
Another positive thing! I received a call from Liv's ophthalmologist. What normally can be a 6-12 month wait time, we have her appt for July 4th. Can't wait to have her eye condition assessed and know the treatment plan. The patch seems to be working, buy we weren't given a definite course of action from our optometrist who is soon leaving to have her third child.
All of this pleases me immensely! Thank you God for working all things for my good!
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Are you ready to laugh???
Tonight after work, Olivia starts working right away at drawing a picture. As I walk by, she warns me "Mommy, you can't look, it is a surprise".
I proceed downstairs to fold a load of laundry.
A few minutes later, my sweet, beautiful, and dainty girl comes down the stairs to present me with her drawing.
Mommy: Olivia, what a nice picture.
Olivia: It is a picture of you mommy!
Mommy: Oh, how nice!
Olivia: It is a picture of you pooping on the toilet...look, I spelled your name P-E-N-N-Y that spells "Pe -en- ny"
Mommy: You should go show Daddy that wonderful picture (holding in immense laughter)
Oh dear!!!!!
I proceed downstairs to fold a load of laundry.
A few minutes later, my sweet, beautiful, and dainty girl comes down the stairs to present me with her drawing.
Mommy: Olivia, what a nice picture.
Olivia: It is a picture of you mommy!
Mommy: Oh, how nice!
Olivia: It is a picture of you pooping on the toilet...look, I spelled your name P-E-N-N-Y that spells "Pe -en- ny"
Mommy: You should go show Daddy that wonderful picture (holding in immense laughter)
Oh dear!!!!!
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Have you ever....
Have you ever finished a weekend feeling "fat" with content when nothing extra ordinary happened?
Maybe it is just me.
We didn't do anything exciting...just our normal "hanging out" weekend where we just wind down and lay low.
Tonight, as I feel extremely exhausted, I feel happy, not with anything in particular just content with life.
Maybe it is just me.
We didn't do anything exciting...just our normal "hanging out" weekend where we just wind down and lay low.
Tonight, as I feel extremely exhausted, I feel happy, not with anything in particular just content with life.
Friday, May 20, 2011
![]() |
Scott has been bringing flowers home for his 2 girls for the past 3 weeks....these are my favourite so far. The smell is divine and they've got to be one of the prettiest flowers ever!!! Love my husband and the father to my little girl, who is showing her a father's love <3 <3 |
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
"Wee" pneumonia...
As you know, Liv has been struggling with a fever since Sunday evening/night. We went to two separate clinics on Monday, where everything was presenting "clear" (ears, nose, and throat and chest). We were told to return on Wednesday if the fever persisted.
Every evening we would think she was getting better and the fever would spike after she was in bed. At it's highest, it was 104 degrees.
Today came and Scott stayed home with her and took her to the local clinic where a lot of our emergency room physicians work from. Again, upon examination, nothing was presenting. Since it was the 4th day with persistent fever, he sent her to have a chest x-ray and urinalysis.
Note to all moms of children between the ages of 3-6....apparently it is very hard to diagnose chest illnesses by stethoscope. Before 3, it is easy, after they are 6, it is easy, but this in between stage, it is very difficult to rule out pneumonia unless an xray is taken. This is what the doctor told Scott today.
We got a call this evening where the ERP told us that she had a "wee" pneumonia in her right lung. He said that if she is feeling fine, not presenting with a fever, she can resume activities at daycare/sunday school, etc. He prescribed Zithromax (child version) for the next 5 days.
So, I'm not excited that she has pneumonia, but I'm so thankful that we live here in Canada where we have access to healthcare where we don't have to second-guess our maternal instincts because we can't afford a visit to see a physician, to go ahead with a chest xray, or to go ahead with urinalysis. All recommended diagnostic tools were readily available and I didn't have to pick and choose which would be the most precise.
We have a very happy girl tonight going to bed knowing that she gets to go back to daycare tomorrow....she has been missing her friends like crazy this week.
I'm so thankful for the books and encouragement I've received since becoming a mother that has instructed me to never ignore my maternal instinct based on opinions of others around me. I believe mothers who let others' opinions of their child rearing/decisions affect how they parent are doing a great disservice to their God-given ability to know what is best for their family and their children. If you don't listen to that voice inside as a mother, you will slowly be able to quiet it completely and at a great expense, I think. Enough of my rant : P
Every evening we would think she was getting better and the fever would spike after she was in bed. At it's highest, it was 104 degrees.
Today came and Scott stayed home with her and took her to the local clinic where a lot of our emergency room physicians work from. Again, upon examination, nothing was presenting. Since it was the 4th day with persistent fever, he sent her to have a chest x-ray and urinalysis.
Note to all moms of children between the ages of 3-6....apparently it is very hard to diagnose chest illnesses by stethoscope. Before 3, it is easy, after they are 6, it is easy, but this in between stage, it is very difficult to rule out pneumonia unless an xray is taken. This is what the doctor told Scott today.
We got a call this evening where the ERP told us that she had a "wee" pneumonia in her right lung. He said that if she is feeling fine, not presenting with a fever, she can resume activities at daycare/sunday school, etc. He prescribed Zithromax (child version) for the next 5 days.
So, I'm not excited that she has pneumonia, but I'm so thankful that we live here in Canada where we have access to healthcare where we don't have to second-guess our maternal instincts because we can't afford a visit to see a physician, to go ahead with a chest xray, or to go ahead with urinalysis. All recommended diagnostic tools were readily available and I didn't have to pick and choose which would be the most precise.
We have a very happy girl tonight going to bed knowing that she gets to go back to daycare tomorrow....she has been missing her friends like crazy this week.
I'm so thankful for the books and encouragement I've received since becoming a mother that has instructed me to never ignore my maternal instinct based on opinions of others around me. I believe mothers who let others' opinions of their child rearing/decisions affect how they parent are doing a great disservice to their God-given ability to know what is best for their family and their children. If you don't listen to that voice inside as a mother, you will slowly be able to quiet it completely and at a great expense, I think. Enough of my rant : P
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Galatians 6:4 - Tonight's devotional with the kids...
I have to admit that while doing the kids' devotions, this mommy is learning a lot and really taking it to heart and applying when necessary.
"Each person should judge his own actions and not compare himself with others. Then he can be proud for what he himself has done." (NCV)
"Pay careful attention to your own work, for then you will get the satisfaction of a job well done, and you won't need to compare yourself to anyone else." (NLT)
"Make a careful exploration of who you are and the work you have been given, and then sink yourself into that. Don't be impressed with yourself. Don't compare yourself with others." (MSG)
Over the past year with some transition at work, I've been slowly learning to live Galations 6:4. I've learned that if I apply myself at work and not worry about being the front-runner, waiting for the kudos, but put my head down and do whatever is assigned to me, that I will get my reward...and I mean my reward that only God can give.
In the last year, I've been blessed with the best manager in our whole department, I've been given tasks that aren't my forte, but I've excelled in them, I've been given opportunities that I never thought I would be tasked with. I've kept quiet, not second-guessing everything going on around me and my reward....I'm truly happy with my job.
Last year, I was working for recognition, I was competing within the team, I wanted all the glory and recognition.
Isn't it funny that God, without me knowing it, was instilling in me Galations 6:4.
"Each person should judge his own actions and not compare himself with others. Then he can be proud for what he himself has done." (NCV)
"Pay careful attention to your own work, for then you will get the satisfaction of a job well done, and you won't need to compare yourself to anyone else." (NLT)
"Make a careful exploration of who you are and the work you have been given, and then sink yourself into that. Don't be impressed with yourself. Don't compare yourself with others." (MSG)
Over the past year with some transition at work, I've been slowly learning to live Galations 6:4. I've learned that if I apply myself at work and not worry about being the front-runner, waiting for the kudos, but put my head down and do whatever is assigned to me, that I will get my reward...and I mean my reward that only God can give.
In the last year, I've been blessed with the best manager in our whole department, I've been given tasks that aren't my forte, but I've excelled in them, I've been given opportunities that I never thought I would be tasked with. I've kept quiet, not second-guessing everything going on around me and my reward....I'm truly happy with my job.
Last year, I was working for recognition, I was competing within the team, I wanted all the glory and recognition.
Isn't it funny that God, without me knowing it, was instilling in me Galations 6:4.
What was I thinking?!?
So, I've had this unidentified pain in my neck since Sunday morning. No, it isn't my husband and/or kids, lol.
I assumed it was one of two things:
1) I slept wrong and figured it would go away within a day.
2) Lack of sleep due to Liv being up a few times in the evening coupled with gallbladder pains through the night making it hard to sleep.
3) Zumba - out of the 1 week and 3 days that I've had the new videos, I've only missed two nights....I thought that maybe I had strained my neck.
It was only in the middle of the night last night, while trying to adjust myself so my neck didn't hurt, I blamed Scott for stealing my pillow. We switched pillows....STILL, my head was a wrong angle and I was too tired to try to figure it out where my "normal" pillow went. I at least knew the source....I needed to locate my pillow.
On Friday or Saturday, I cleaned our bedding and re-made the bed. In that event, I apparently completely forgot that I don't sleep with the pillow that is in the pillow case, but that which is in the pillow sham.
So, now, I have this HUGE pain/strain in my neck because I somehow got mixed up for 3 straight nights. Tonight I will use the right pillow, but I think I will need a massage to cure my neck pain....wuhn wuhn.....
The funniest thing is that in the middle of the night, Scott and I, both half asleep had a jovial argument/discussion about where my pillow could be, lol. I couldn't even figure out that my proper pillow was up against the headboard.
Oh, silly Penny!!!!
I assumed it was one of two things:
1) I slept wrong and figured it would go away within a day.
2) Lack of sleep due to Liv being up a few times in the evening coupled with gallbladder pains through the night making it hard to sleep.
3) Zumba - out of the 1 week and 3 days that I've had the new videos, I've only missed two nights....I thought that maybe I had strained my neck.
It was only in the middle of the night last night, while trying to adjust myself so my neck didn't hurt, I blamed Scott for stealing my pillow. We switched pillows....STILL, my head was a wrong angle and I was too tired to try to figure it out where my "normal" pillow went. I at least knew the source....I needed to locate my pillow.
On Friday or Saturday, I cleaned our bedding and re-made the bed. In that event, I apparently completely forgot that I don't sleep with the pillow that is in the pillow case, but that which is in the pillow sham.
So, now, I have this HUGE pain/strain in my neck because I somehow got mixed up for 3 straight nights. Tonight I will use the right pillow, but I think I will need a massage to cure my neck pain....wuhn wuhn.....
The funniest thing is that in the middle of the night, Scott and I, both half asleep had a jovial argument/discussion about where my pillow could be, lol. I couldn't even figure out that my proper pillow was up against the headboard.
Oh, silly Penny!!!!
Monday, May 16, 2011
Cuddle Day!
Liv went to bed last night with a nasty cough, sore ears, sore throat and a fever (102.3)
We medicated her put her to bed and said we would assess in the am. She woke up feeling pretty much the same :(
I am home with her today while we get some serious cuddle time and a clinic appt in a little while.
I thank God for the company I work for, I accumulate sick time and have personal days for days just like today. I know some people look down on us working mothers, but I feel I have the best of both worlds. I'm ALWAYS available when my kids need me and if I'm not, Scott is. We have a great staff of women who love our children as their own and make sure their needs are taken care of. When your kids wake up excited to go to daycare to see their friends and are even more excited to see you at the end of the day and spend weekends with you, I can't feel bad or guilty about our set up.
I'm praying that my little girl feels ether really soon so that she isn't quite so miserable...
We medicated her put her to bed and said we would assess in the am. She woke up feeling pretty much the same :(
I am home with her today while we get some serious cuddle time and a clinic appt in a little while.
I thank God for the company I work for, I accumulate sick time and have personal days for days just like today. I know some people look down on us working mothers, but I feel I have the best of both worlds. I'm ALWAYS available when my kids need me and if I'm not, Scott is. We have a great staff of women who love our children as their own and make sure their needs are taken care of. When your kids wake up excited to go to daycare to see their friends and are even more excited to see you at the end of the day and spend weekends with you, I can't feel bad or guilty about our set up.
I'm praying that my little girl feels ether really soon so that she isn't quite so miserable...
Saturday, May 14, 2011
This morning after waking up, Olivia was getting ready to put her eye patch and glasses on. I tend to assess her eyes. Before patching, as soon as her glasses came off, her left eye would instantly go to the center and her right eye would be straight. This morning, I noticed that her left eye remained straight for approx. a minute. I find when I bring attention to it by saying "good control over your eye" she loses it. I'm assuming that she isn't aware of what she is doing to give her the control, so when she tries to do anything, it forces the eye to cross again. With all that, I'm happy to see progress that we weren't seeing with just the glasses.
Still waiting for a phonecall from the ophthalmologist for an appt...but the waiting isn't so bad when we're seeing tiny positive changes already.
Nothing much else is going on here....same old same old.
Funny how the phrase "same old same old" can be seen in a negative light or can be misconstrued that someone is hoping for something all honesty, I love same old same old. To me, that means that we are not experiencing any new struggles, everything is how it should be and we are very blessed.
Looking forward to a great weekend and maybe some sun!
Still waiting for a phonecall from the ophthalmologist for an appt...but the waiting isn't so bad when we're seeing tiny positive changes already.
Nothing much else is going on here....same old same old.
Funny how the phrase "same old same old" can be seen in a negative light or can be misconstrued that someone is hoping for something all honesty, I love same old same old. To me, that means that we are not experiencing any new struggles, everything is how it should be and we are very blessed.
Looking forward to a great weekend and maybe some sun!
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
I'm doing laundry :)
Woohoo! I never thought I would be so excited to do laundry again.
After waiting 1.5 weeks to do my own laundry, and after a complaint just this morning from Noah as to why he had to push all his clothes into his hamper, I did my first load of laundry tonight.
They were delivered today; the electrician's work is done, the dryer vent successfully installed, the plumber did what he needed to do to set up the plumbing in our new "laundry" spot.
The washing machine is just a-humming and the dryer is too and I can't hear it because it is downstairs and we will soon have a hamper spot as well as a spot for a new portable A/C this summer to help cool our house down even more :)
What a great way to keep my mind off what would have been the night before my surgery :) With that said, sending up a prayer for my surgeon and her husband tonight! I hope and pray they are getting the results/answers they were looking for.
After waiting 1.5 weeks to do my own laundry, and after a complaint just this morning from Noah as to why he had to push all his clothes into his hamper, I did my first load of laundry tonight.
They were delivered today; the electrician's work is done, the dryer vent successfully installed, the plumber did what he needed to do to set up the plumbing in our new "laundry" spot.
The washing machine is just a-humming and the dryer is too and I can't hear it because it is downstairs and we will soon have a hamper spot as well as a spot for a new portable A/C this summer to help cool our house down even more :)
What a great way to keep my mind off what would have been the night before my surgery :) With that said, sending up a prayer for my surgeon and her husband tonight! I hope and pray they are getting the results/answers they were looking for.
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Phillippians 4:6-9
Caught myself in "worry" today.
***had our follow-up today with Liv's optometrist today. The glasses aren't doing everything she had hoped. We have been told to commence patching while we wait for our referral to the ophthalmologist. She is unsure of what the ophthalmologist will recommend....either bifocals or surgery to correct her vision/lazy eye issue.
Found this scripture and am speaking it to myself and learning to apply it to this situation.
Phillippians 4:6 Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. 7 Then you will experience God's peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus. 8 And now dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. 9 Keep putting into practice all you learned and received from me - everything you heard from me and saw me doing. Then the God of peace will be with you.
Father, I will not worry about anything (including Liv's eye situation), instead I will use that energy to pray about it. God, I need to know the cause and treatment for her vision issues. I thank you Father for the health care we have received thus far that has led to the early diagnosis and treatment of her eye. I thank you that she had taken so well to the glasses. I thank you for your peace that I am going to experience throughout this waiting period and after. I pray that it will guard my heart and mind from worry as I put my faith and live in you. God, the only thing that is completely and wholly true, honorable, and right and pure, and lovely and admirable is, I will think of you at all times and praise you for your excellence. May your peace be with me as I practice all I've learned from Paul's teachings.
I thank you for your word, God.
***had our follow-up today with Liv's optometrist today. The glasses aren't doing everything she had hoped. We have been told to commence patching while we wait for our referral to the ophthalmologist. She is unsure of what the ophthalmologist will recommend....either bifocals or surgery to correct her vision/lazy eye issue.
Found this scripture and am speaking it to myself and learning to apply it to this situation.
Phillippians 4:6 Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. 7 Then you will experience God's peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus. 8 And now dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. 9 Keep putting into practice all you learned and received from me - everything you heard from me and saw me doing. Then the God of peace will be with you.
Father, I will not worry about anything (including Liv's eye situation), instead I will use that energy to pray about it. God, I need to know the cause and treatment for her vision issues. I thank you Father for the health care we have received thus far that has led to the early diagnosis and treatment of her eye. I thank you that she had taken so well to the glasses. I thank you for your peace that I am going to experience throughout this waiting period and after. I pray that it will guard my heart and mind from worry as I put my faith and live in you. God, the only thing that is completely and wholly true, honorable, and right and pure, and lovely and admirable is, I will think of you at all times and praise you for your excellence. May your peace be with me as I practice all I've learned from Paul's teachings.
I thank you for your word, God.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Blessing and cursing...
So, I got some bad news surgery has been postponed indefinitely.
I received a call from my surgeon's office saying that se hadto go to Toronto with her husband suddenly and things were moving very quick and she was canceling all surgeries for May.
Immediate thought, this SUCKS!!!
I remained calm, explained I was disappointed, but I was okay and wasn't angry. The receptionist advised me that I'm still a great candidate for the hospital I was going to and once my surgeon returned, and dates were available for the hospital again, I would be on my way back.
Now, I had a choice, I could choose blessing or cursing. I opted to choose blessing. Something about the reason compelled me to feel for my surgeon and pray everything was ok. I had no idea why she was going...I thought maybe a transfer for her husband (a surgeon too), seminars, sick family.
Tonight at power up, one of the parents who works at the hospital came to speak to me and tell me she was sorry my surgery was cancelled/postponed. She, then, proceeded to tell me that my Dr's husband is criically ill in Toronto undergoing experimental treatment :(
I'm so happy that I chose blessing instead of cursing. Te small amount of pain I go through every so often pales in comparison to te amount of pain/stress my surgeon is feeling right now as she is envisioning losing her "friend, love, husband,etc"
So, I thought my quick referral, appt date, and such were an answer to my prayers, but maybe they are an answer to her prayers. She now has one more person speaking on her behalf to our Healer and Comforter and asking for Him to bless this family of "healers" and be with them in their time of need. Father, I ask for peace, courage, and faith for this couple. Please extend your grace and mercy to them.
I received a call from my surgeon's office saying that se hadto go to Toronto with her husband suddenly and things were moving very quick and she was canceling all surgeries for May.
Immediate thought, this SUCKS!!!
I remained calm, explained I was disappointed, but I was okay and wasn't angry. The receptionist advised me that I'm still a great candidate for the hospital I was going to and once my surgeon returned, and dates were available for the hospital again, I would be on my way back.
Now, I had a choice, I could choose blessing or cursing. I opted to choose blessing. Something about the reason compelled me to feel for my surgeon and pray everything was ok. I had no idea why she was going...I thought maybe a transfer for her husband (a surgeon too), seminars, sick family.
Tonight at power up, one of the parents who works at the hospital came to speak to me and tell me she was sorry my surgery was cancelled/postponed. She, then, proceeded to tell me that my Dr's husband is criically ill in Toronto undergoing experimental treatment :(
I'm so happy that I chose blessing instead of cursing. Te small amount of pain I go through every so often pales in comparison to te amount of pain/stress my surgeon is feeling right now as she is envisioning losing her "friend, love, husband,etc"
So, I thought my quick referral, appt date, and such were an answer to my prayers, but maybe they are an answer to her prayers. She now has one more person speaking on her behalf to our Healer and Comforter and asking for Him to bless this family of "healers" and be with them in their time of need. Father, I ask for peace, courage, and faith for this couple. Please extend your grace and mercy to them.
Sunday, April 24, 2011
I was really looking forward to a great weekend. We were going to go to our church's Good Friday service as well as today's Easter service.
Wednesday night, after Olivia was put to bed, she woke up vomiting. Soon after, the fever started. I kept her home from daycare on Thursday. She maintained the fever through to late Friday, so we didn't go to church.
Saturday morning, everyone was healthy and feeling well.
I took a nap in the afternoon and was awoken by a horrible
Sound from our washer. Our washer that we bought in 1998 decided to stop spinning. Although inconvenient, I was happy that laundry was up-to-date including Liv's blankets she was sick on.
We decided to go price a new washer and dryer set since no stores were open today.
While at Sears, Noah kept sitting on the floor. I thought he was just bored. When I saw his face, I knew instantly hat we needed to get him home before he had a major vomiting episode in the middle of te appliance aisle.
Our endearing son will never admit to being sick, feeling ill. So on the way home he was saying he felt fine. We no more than got in the door and he hurls all over the living room floor :(
Luckily, he had no fever. Unlike Olivia he continued to vomit bile even after his belly was empty. He experienced extremely sharp pains in his belly too.
We called Telecare to see if there was anything that could be done for the pains. They advised us to go to emerg since it could have been something more serious than the flu.
Thankfully, there were 4-5 empty parking spots at Emerg, and two people in the waiting room. Noah's heart rate was elevated due to beginning stages of dehydration. They gave him Zofron (?) to help ease the vomiting and sent us on our way.
We no sooner got home and got Noah in bed, that I went to use the washroom and upon flushing, the toilet began to overflow A LOT!!!! The floor was covered in toilet water (thankfully only #1).
I was already starting to feel nauseous, our tub was already filled with wet towels from our broken washer that quit right at spin cycle. I had to use about 10 clean towels to clean up the mess.
Wihin 15 minutes ofthis episode, I was on my hands an knees vomiting :(
Very quickly, I developed a fever and continued vomiting through the night.
I'm so thankful, it is a long weekend and have been able to spend the day in bed recuperating.
As the weekend ends,
- 3/4 of our family has had vomiting and fever.
- 2/4 of our family has had diarrhea.
- 1/4 of our family has had to deal with a bunch of sickos and really step up (thanks you for it),
- we are without a washer (Scott has had to make a trip to the dingy laundromat)
I'm eagerly anticipating tomorrow so that I know our family is one day closer to being healthy again.
With all of this "bad", I still remain hopeful an positive and know that it pales in comparison to what some people have endured this weekend, this week, this month, this year.
In all things give thanks....God I thank you that we have the means to be able to afford a new washer and dryer, I thank you that we had comfortable beds to rest in while we were sick. I thank you for a husband who didn't complain once with all the extra little things he had to do since yesterday. This being Easter weekend, thank you for the ultimate sacriice you made when you sent your son Jesus to die for our sins and rise again victorious! Our weekend will never compare to that weekend Jesus enfured so many years ago.
Happy Easter everyone :)
Wednesday night, after Olivia was put to bed, she woke up vomiting. Soon after, the fever started. I kept her home from daycare on Thursday. She maintained the fever through to late Friday, so we didn't go to church.
Saturday morning, everyone was healthy and feeling well.
I took a nap in the afternoon and was awoken by a horrible
Sound from our washer. Our washer that we bought in 1998 decided to stop spinning. Although inconvenient, I was happy that laundry was up-to-date including Liv's blankets she was sick on.
We decided to go price a new washer and dryer set since no stores were open today.
While at Sears, Noah kept sitting on the floor. I thought he was just bored. When I saw his face, I knew instantly hat we needed to get him home before he had a major vomiting episode in the middle of te appliance aisle.
Our endearing son will never admit to being sick, feeling ill. So on the way home he was saying he felt fine. We no more than got in the door and he hurls all over the living room floor :(
Luckily, he had no fever. Unlike Olivia he continued to vomit bile even after his belly was empty. He experienced extremely sharp pains in his belly too.
We called Telecare to see if there was anything that could be done for the pains. They advised us to go to emerg since it could have been something more serious than the flu.
Thankfully, there were 4-5 empty parking spots at Emerg, and two people in the waiting room. Noah's heart rate was elevated due to beginning stages of dehydration. They gave him Zofron (?) to help ease the vomiting and sent us on our way.
We no sooner got home and got Noah in bed, that I went to use the washroom and upon flushing, the toilet began to overflow A LOT!!!! The floor was covered in toilet water (thankfully only #1).
I was already starting to feel nauseous, our tub was already filled with wet towels from our broken washer that quit right at spin cycle. I had to use about 10 clean towels to clean up the mess.
Wihin 15 minutes ofthis episode, I was on my hands an knees vomiting :(
Very quickly, I developed a fever and continued vomiting through the night.
I'm so thankful, it is a long weekend and have been able to spend the day in bed recuperating.
As the weekend ends,
- 3/4 of our family has had vomiting and fever.
- 2/4 of our family has had diarrhea.
- 1/4 of our family has had to deal with a bunch of sickos and really step up (thanks you for it),
- we are without a washer (Scott has had to make a trip to the dingy laundromat)
I'm eagerly anticipating tomorrow so that I know our family is one day closer to being healthy again.
With all of this "bad", I still remain hopeful an positive and know that it pales in comparison to what some people have endured this weekend, this week, this month, this year.
In all things give thanks....God I thank you that we have the means to be able to afford a new washer and dryer, I thank you that we had comfortable beds to rest in while we were sick. I thank you for a husband who didn't complain once with all the extra little things he had to do since yesterday. This being Easter weekend, thank you for the ultimate sacriice you made when you sent your son Jesus to die for our sins and rise again victorious! Our weekend will never compare to that weekend Jesus enfured so many years ago.
Happy Easter everyone :)
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Monday, April 18, 2011
So excited...Thank You God
If ever you wonder if God looks out for us, as His children, he does. Even the small things he has got covered. Afterall, He is the one we should model our parenting after.
Today, after a short knowledge of having cholecystitis (gallstones), I had my consult with the surgeon.
A quick recap:
-having major occasional pain in my right hand side under my rib
-having a nagging pain almost always after eating and in the evenings
-thought I had excess gas
-had an u/s to look for gallstones (a month or so ago)
-discovered I had a 1-inch diameter gallstone along with several others
-got referred to specialist
-prayed I would be seen soon, but knew of others' plights and assumed that I would play the waiting game
-last Thursday, received a call from surgeon for my appt today
So, in the span of 2 months, I've discovered I have gallstones, have seen my surgeon, and my surgeon has booked me for surgery in 2.5 weeks.
Most people I know, aside from going to Emergency in the middle of a major attack and having an emergency cholecystectomy, are on waiting lists upwards of 18 months.
I believe I was shown favour in all of this :) I thank God for his fatherly care and hearing my prayers and looking after me!
The best part about it, he used the doctor to give me a boost today. I was told I was young, healthy, and slim (all contributing factors in the quick surgery date) That nade my day :) almost like a reward for taking care of myself. case anyone was looking for an update on my coworker. After an MRI, a CAT scan, EKG, EEG, u/s of the carotid artery, blood work, etc, it was deemed that there was nothing physiologically wrong with her...awesome news. Now she must come to terms with the diagnosis..."overwhelmed with life" (read panic disorder/depression) Praying for her and that my life can somehow be used to show her to whom she can cast down all fears, frustrations, and shortcomings.
Today, after a short knowledge of having cholecystitis (gallstones), I had my consult with the surgeon.
A quick recap:
-having major occasional pain in my right hand side under my rib
-having a nagging pain almost always after eating and in the evenings
-thought I had excess gas
-had an u/s to look for gallstones (a month or so ago)
-discovered I had a 1-inch diameter gallstone along with several others
-got referred to specialist
-prayed I would be seen soon, but knew of others' plights and assumed that I would play the waiting game
-last Thursday, received a call from surgeon for my appt today
So, in the span of 2 months, I've discovered I have gallstones, have seen my surgeon, and my surgeon has booked me for surgery in 2.5 weeks.
Most people I know, aside from going to Emergency in the middle of a major attack and having an emergency cholecystectomy, are on waiting lists upwards of 18 months.
I believe I was shown favour in all of this :) I thank God for his fatherly care and hearing my prayers and looking after me!
The best part about it, he used the doctor to give me a boost today. I was told I was young, healthy, and slim (all contributing factors in the quick surgery date) That nade my day :) almost like a reward for taking care of myself. case anyone was looking for an update on my coworker. After an MRI, a CAT scan, EKG, EEG, u/s of the carotid artery, blood work, etc, it was deemed that there was nothing physiologically wrong with her...awesome news. Now she must come to terms with the diagnosis..."overwhelmed with life" (read panic disorder/depression) Praying for her and that my life can somehow be used to show her to whom she can cast down all fears, frustrations, and shortcomings.
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Today,Noah is celebrating his classmate's birthday. She has been the girl since almost the beginning of the school year that he has proclaimed is going to be his wife...he was 5 when this started :)
Today, as he was decorating her birthday card, he says "this is going to be so special for E!" I wanted to prod to see if he felt the same way about her, but the minute I decided not to, he proclaims "E isn't going to marry me any more, she is going to marry C. No big deal, we are still friends and I can find another wife"
Hahahaha! I agreed with him!
In light of the recent suicide in our town where rumours are flying around that he did it because his girlfriend broke up with him, my heart is happy that my son realizes at a young age that there isn't just one person that is meant for you :) and it was funny to boot!
Today, as he was decorating her birthday card, he says "this is going to be so special for E!" I wanted to prod to see if he felt the same way about her, but the minute I decided not to, he proclaims "E isn't going to marry me any more, she is going to marry C. No big deal, we are still friends and I can find another wife"
Hahahaha! I agreed with him!
In light of the recent suicide in our town where rumours are flying around that he did it because his girlfriend broke up with him, my heart is happy that my son realizes at a young age that there isn't just one person that is meant for you :) and it was funny to boot!
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Got The Call...woohoo!!
So, today at work, in the middle of a potential medical emergency of my co-worker, I got a call from the surgeon's receptionist telling me that the doctor triaged her referrals and felt that I should be seen within the month. I have my appt on Monday at 9 am....WOOHOO!!
I believe I'm being shown some favour here. I called last week to find out the wait and I was told her gallbladder binder of referrals was very full. Last week the surgeon was on vacation, so I believe that God is working his wonders by me getting into see her so quickly. Wouldn't that be nothing short of a miracle if I get in for my consult and get the surgery before I ever have another major attack?
I'm enduring the constant nagging, but am really hoping I never have another major attack! I think it is worse pain the labour and I went drug-free when I had Olivia (so that is a pretty bold statement)
The medical of the ladies at work was having episodes of "slowed responsiveness", feeling heavy and light-headed, panic over the symptoms, rash, heart racing (to name the ones I remember).
I've never been more thankful for working in an environment where I have immediate access to nurses and other health professionals. I was speaking to said coworker when ahe said ahe felt faint and her eyes kind of started rolling back. I quickly ran to one of the managers nearby whonis also a nurse. She quickly came and assessed the situation. It was very scary. This normally quick-witted and on-her-toes kind of person really struggled to answer simple questions. She had three of these episodes within 20-30 mins :S
I took her to emerg where she was brought directly to Acute
and put on some monitors.
I called her best friend who quickly came and relieved me.
I received a call from her later on and they are admitting her for follow up tests. They are ruling out migraine (but she has no history of migraines), epilepsy (again no history or family history), and thirdly a stroke or early warning signs.
Praying for you B...hoping you get some answers and that these symptom quickly pass <3
I believe I'm being shown some favour here. I called last week to find out the wait and I was told her gallbladder binder of referrals was very full. Last week the surgeon was on vacation, so I believe that God is working his wonders by me getting into see her so quickly. Wouldn't that be nothing short of a miracle if I get in for my consult and get the surgery before I ever have another major attack?
I'm enduring the constant nagging, but am really hoping I never have another major attack! I think it is worse pain the labour and I went drug-free when I had Olivia (so that is a pretty bold statement)
The medical of the ladies at work was having episodes of "slowed responsiveness", feeling heavy and light-headed, panic over the symptoms, rash, heart racing (to name the ones I remember).
I've never been more thankful for working in an environment where I have immediate access to nurses and other health professionals. I was speaking to said coworker when ahe said ahe felt faint and her eyes kind of started rolling back. I quickly ran to one of the managers nearby whonis also a nurse. She quickly came and assessed the situation. It was very scary. This normally quick-witted and on-her-toes kind of person really struggled to answer simple questions. She had three of these episodes within 20-30 mins :S
I took her to emerg where she was brought directly to Acute
and put on some monitors.
I called her best friend who quickly came and relieved me.
I received a call from her later on and they are admitting her for follow up tests. They are ruling out migraine (but she has no history of migraines), epilepsy (again no history or family history), and thirdly a stroke or early warning signs.
Praying for you B...hoping you get some answers and that these symptom quickly pass <3
Friday, April 1, 2011
The verdict is I wait for a referral
Today was my appt with my family doctor to hear the official results of both my ultrasounds and to get the referral to the general surgeon.
I don't know much about cholecystitis and all that, so maybe I'm just a run-of-the-mill case, but I only know mine.
Apparently, I have a large stone (1 inch diameter) an at least one smaller one. The bigger one isn't the concern since it can't escape the gallbladder, however the smaller ones can. With that said, the bigger one is the one that likely causes the constant is blocking the gallbladder when it contracts.
I've been referred to a fairly new general surgeon in town in hopes that I will be seen sooner and get the surgery. I've made it very clear to my doctor, on the referral, and to the general surgeon's answering machine that I can go for my consult at any time...I can be there within minutes if they need a filler patient.
I really don't want another attack like I suffered a couple weeks back...the sooner I'm seen, the sooner I get a surgery date, and the sooner I'm pain free :)
As for the other ultrasound, my uterus and ovaries are perfectly healthy :) and no surprise babies, lol.
All in all a great visit
I don't know much about cholecystitis and all that, so maybe I'm just a run-of-the-mill case, but I only know mine.
Apparently, I have a large stone (1 inch diameter) an at least one smaller one. The bigger one isn't the concern since it can't escape the gallbladder, however the smaller ones can. With that said, the bigger one is the one that likely causes the constant is blocking the gallbladder when it contracts.
I've been referred to a fairly new general surgeon in town in hopes that I will be seen sooner and get the surgery. I've made it very clear to my doctor, on the referral, and to the general surgeon's answering machine that I can go for my consult at any time...I can be there within minutes if they need a filler patient.
I really don't want another attack like I suffered a couple weeks back...the sooner I'm seen, the sooner I get a surgery date, and the sooner I'm pain free :)
As for the other ultrasound, my uterus and ovaries are perfectly healthy :) and no surprise babies, lol.
All in all a great visit
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Sitting at the dentist's office...
So this morning I'm at the dentist's office for my cleaning. Nothing abnormal, right?
Isn't it funny how the normal things to us are luxuries in other countries. Thinking about my little Cesar and his family with 3 children. They can't afford what we consider the basics to life.
I'm so thankful that our family has the means to help him get basic care that so many of us take for granted! I hope to someday see that beautiful smile that we've been blessed to help create <3 <3 <3 <3
Isn't it funny how the normal things to us are luxuries in other countries. Thinking about my little Cesar and his family with 3 children. They can't afford what we consider the basics to life.
I'm so thankful that our family has the means to help him get basic care that so many of us take for granted! I hope to someday see that beautiful smile that we've been blessed to help create <3 <3 <3 <3
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Pictionary Tomorrow :)
Okay, so, I admit it. I'm sooooooo competitive. I love trivia games, crosswords, and any board game where I could possibly win. Scott won't play games with me because I'm so competitive. Not nasty competitive, but overly enthusiastic and bubbly and excitable - it drives him crazy.
My most favourite game is Pictionary. Luckily for me, my work has spring fun/winter carnival. Almost every year for the past 10 years, I've been on a Pictionary team during this week/two week period. My great friend at work loves it soooooo much too. We are on a team together. I think we are pretty awesome along with our third player. We play tomorrow and I'm so psyched. I hope we win tomorrow and win the whole thing.
What is funny, every once in a while I try to figure out why I'm so competitive and love games so much. I figured it out this past weekend. While at my grandparent's anniversary, my uncles, aunts and father were in this competition over scrabble. Every Monday night, a few of them gather at my dad's house or my uncle's house and they play scrabble. They compete to see who is the ultimate scrabble champion. To see their faces and the fun they have with each other made me realize that I grew up with these people and of course their fun-loving competitive ways concerning games would most definitely rub off on me. I may have to join them next Monday : P
My most favourite game is Pictionary. Luckily for me, my work has spring fun/winter carnival. Almost every year for the past 10 years, I've been on a Pictionary team during this week/two week period. My great friend at work loves it soooooo much too. We are on a team together. I think we are pretty awesome along with our third player. We play tomorrow and I'm so psyched. I hope we win tomorrow and win the whole thing.
What is funny, every once in a while I try to figure out why I'm so competitive and love games so much. I figured it out this past weekend. While at my grandparent's anniversary, my uncles, aunts and father were in this competition over scrabble. Every Monday night, a few of them gather at my dad's house or my uncle's house and they play scrabble. They compete to see who is the ultimate scrabble champion. To see their faces and the fun they have with each other made me realize that I grew up with these people and of course their fun-loving competitive ways concerning games would most definitely rub off on me. I may have to join them next Monday : P
Monday, March 28, 2011
Tonight's devotion...It's Hard Being a Parent
So, tonight's devotion was such an awesome one. I love that this devotion book seems to capture many different scenarios that have happened at our house with Noah and Olivia and even some that hit home with Mama! Tonight's did not disappoint.
They are short, so, I'll type it out....
Dad frowned at the broken spokes on Eric's bicycle. "You won't believe what happened," Eric said as he wheeled the bike closer.
"I can guess." Dad's face was red. "you were in a hurry to play catch at the park. How many times have I told you to park it in the bike rack instead of throwing it on the ground?"
"But I didn't--"
"Don't lie to me. I'm not fixing your bike this time!" Dad yanked it away. "Start thinking of ways to earn money to pay the repair shop."
Eric stormed inside. He was sitting on his bedroom floor when Dad came to the door. "Son, I need to talk to you." Eric didn't want to talk to him ever again, but his dad came in and sat down. "A policeman just told me about the teenager who drove his car into the bike rack."
Eric blurted, "See, I wasn't careless, and I wasn't lying!"
Ephesians 6:4
Why do you think Eric's dad did what the verse says not to do?
How could he have followed the verse instead?
Make up an ending for the story, showing how ERic's dad might apply today's verse.
Parents are people too. How hard do you think it is for a parent to make good decisions all the time? A little hard? Pretty hard? Really hard?
Choose what you will do the next time your mom or dad makes a mistake. Does it help to know that parents aren't perfect and have to answer to God?
Ask God to give your mom or dad wisdome and patience.
Ephesians 6:4 - Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger by the way you treat them. Rather, bring them up with the discipline and instruction that comes from the Lord.
So, my kids are getting really good at understanding the devotional, the verses and are really getting good with coming up with the alternate "right" ending. The devotion includes a possible ending at the back and a "What's the point?" bullet that explains the entire devotional and why it was something important to learn.
I thank God for this devotion, it taught me a verse I knew nothing of before tonight, and it also taught my kids how to show grace to someone. I asked them if I've ever made mistakes and had to say sorry to them (which I have on many occasions) and they remembered. I explained that I always ask God to forgive me when I realize the mistakes I've made.
I just thought this was such a great devotion for the times when we mess up as parents to help the kids understand that we aren't perfect...we are still learning too. However, it also shows us the way :)
Speaking of devotions, last night, I didn't get the book out, but took time with both kids to have a spiritual talk with.
I get in Noah's bed and I say "so, Noah do you have any questions about God, church, etc?" Noah replies, "No, mom do you?" I laugh to myself. Soon, he came out with "How does God know everything?"
So, he wasn't going to go easy on me by asking who the 12 disciples were, lol. I was trying to put into words so that a 6 year old would understand. Maybe it is a wrong analogy, but I think it put it into terms he understood and gave him the answer he needed. My know how you like Lego? you know how you create your ship and your bases and your people, you make them interact with each other and you know everything that they do? Well, God created everything in the earth, he created you, me, your friends and everything in it. Because he created everything, he knows everything that is going on.
We soon delved into salvation. We briefly spoke of Heaven, angels and Hell where I had to explain what Heaven will be like "no more sickness, pain, sadness, everyone will be happy. Noahs asked if people didn't accept Jesus into their heart, would they just stay here. I had to explain that Hell was the opposite of Heaven and that "no, they wouldn't stay here, but they would go there". Very deep conversations with a 6-year-old, but I believe God wants us to be open and candid with our kids so that they know they have a safe place to ask those questions where the truth will be told without sugar coating.
I pray everyday that my children would grow in the word and become devoted followers of Christ from an early age onward.
They are short, so, I'll type it out....
Dad frowned at the broken spokes on Eric's bicycle. "You won't believe what happened," Eric said as he wheeled the bike closer.
"I can guess." Dad's face was red. "you were in a hurry to play catch at the park. How many times have I told you to park it in the bike rack instead of throwing it on the ground?"
"But I didn't--"
"Don't lie to me. I'm not fixing your bike this time!" Dad yanked it away. "Start thinking of ways to earn money to pay the repair shop."
Eric stormed inside. He was sitting on his bedroom floor when Dad came to the door. "Son, I need to talk to you." Eric didn't want to talk to him ever again, but his dad came in and sat down. "A policeman just told me about the teenager who drove his car into the bike rack."
Eric blurted, "See, I wasn't careless, and I wasn't lying!"
Ephesians 6:4
Why do you think Eric's dad did what the verse says not to do?
How could he have followed the verse instead?
Make up an ending for the story, showing how ERic's dad might apply today's verse.
Parents are people too. How hard do you think it is for a parent to make good decisions all the time? A little hard? Pretty hard? Really hard?
Choose what you will do the next time your mom or dad makes a mistake. Does it help to know that parents aren't perfect and have to answer to God?
Ask God to give your mom or dad wisdome and patience.
Ephesians 6:4 - Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger by the way you treat them. Rather, bring them up with the discipline and instruction that comes from the Lord.
So, my kids are getting really good at understanding the devotional, the verses and are really getting good with coming up with the alternate "right" ending. The devotion includes a possible ending at the back and a "What's the point?" bullet that explains the entire devotional and why it was something important to learn.
I thank God for this devotion, it taught me a verse I knew nothing of before tonight, and it also taught my kids how to show grace to someone. I asked them if I've ever made mistakes and had to say sorry to them (which I have on many occasions) and they remembered. I explained that I always ask God to forgive me when I realize the mistakes I've made.
I just thought this was such a great devotion for the times when we mess up as parents to help the kids understand that we aren't perfect...we are still learning too. However, it also shows us the way :)
Speaking of devotions, last night, I didn't get the book out, but took time with both kids to have a spiritual talk with.
I get in Noah's bed and I say "so, Noah do you have any questions about God, church, etc?" Noah replies, "No, mom do you?" I laugh to myself. Soon, he came out with "How does God know everything?"
So, he wasn't going to go easy on me by asking who the 12 disciples were, lol. I was trying to put into words so that a 6 year old would understand. Maybe it is a wrong analogy, but I think it put it into terms he understood and gave him the answer he needed. My know how you like Lego? you know how you create your ship and your bases and your people, you make them interact with each other and you know everything that they do? Well, God created everything in the earth, he created you, me, your friends and everything in it. Because he created everything, he knows everything that is going on.
We soon delved into salvation. We briefly spoke of Heaven, angels and Hell where I had to explain what Heaven will be like "no more sickness, pain, sadness, everyone will be happy. Noahs asked if people didn't accept Jesus into their heart, would they just stay here. I had to explain that Hell was the opposite of Heaven and that "no, they wouldn't stay here, but they would go there". Very deep conversations with a 6-year-old, but I believe God wants us to be open and candid with our kids so that they know they have a safe place to ask those questions where the truth will be told without sugar coating.
I pray everyday that my children would grow in the word and become devoted followers of Christ from an early age onward.
Saturday, March 26, 2011
60 years of wedded bliss...
Today our family celebrates my grandparent's 60th wedding anniversary.What a milestone! Sixty years is such a long time to gel your life with someone and make it on the happy side of life.
I say happy side of life because they raised 9 children (7 boys and 2 girls)and I can imagine once all those boys finally were married off and started to haw children of their own, the constant struggles of parenting, financial stress and general busy-ness were over and it was the happy side of life for them!
Don't get me wrong, there are so many happy times on this side in the moments where you get lost in a silly moment, a loving moment, a together moment where you forget about the struggles of raising children, financially tension, the disconnect you can feel when it seems all effort goes into your kids, work, and friends where your spouse can become the last person you think of giving to.
I think the happy side of life is your reward if you've taken those happy moments (in the difficult times)and held onto them and really cherish the reason you first loved each other.
Happy Anniversary Grampy and Grammy! I pray your day is a reminder of the love you first felt over 60 years ago and the love you feel now will only grow deeper as each day passes!
I say happy side of life because they raised 9 children (7 boys and 2 girls)and I can imagine once all those boys finally were married off and started to haw children of their own, the constant struggles of parenting, financial stress and general busy-ness were over and it was the happy side of life for them!
Don't get me wrong, there are so many happy times on this side in the moments where you get lost in a silly moment, a loving moment, a together moment where you forget about the struggles of raising children, financially tension, the disconnect you can feel when it seems all effort goes into your kids, work, and friends where your spouse can become the last person you think of giving to.
I think the happy side of life is your reward if you've taken those happy moments (in the difficult times)and held onto them and really cherish the reason you first loved each other.
Happy Anniversary Grampy and Grammy! I pray your day is a reminder of the love you first felt over 60 years ago and the love you feel now will only grow deeper as each day passes!
Monday, March 21, 2011
Been a while...
I believe I'm failing as a blogger....HA!
I don't know how you others do it, having something interesting to say every day, every second day, or every week for that matter.
How do you choose what to say? Do you pick your topics based on what? do you choose funny, motivational, challenging, or total randomness?
I feel that if the story isn't captivating, no one will care to read it...but then again, I don't believe I have a, I should write what feels good to me. With that said, when I'm having good days, I like to share, when I'm having bad days, depending on how personal, I feel hesitant in sharing. You just never know who may "happen" upon the blog. So, I struggle. I want to write uplifting things, but I'm not always in that place. So, I don't want to be seen as the "negative Nancy" who is always speaking of the down things......
my blog is like me.....worrying about what others think. Makes sense, it is my should reflect me and my personality.
So, I guess I'll finish with an update on what has been going on...
-I just read an awesome book that ALL married couples should read...The 5 Love Languages. We've been married for almost 12 years and the knowledge I gained in the few days it took me to read the book will stay with me. Now, I just need to apply what I've learned after I convince Scott to read the book....or at least take the questionnaire so that I can speak his "language".
-Olivia has her new prescription as well as her second pair of glasses. She is doing so well with them. We can't be happier. I just keep praying that they do what they are intended for and that the lazy eye will be corrected. What an incredible girl she is....she doesn't fuss over them, doesn't complain about them, puts them on without being reminded and takes such good care of them. So thankful that she has responded so well to such a drastic change for a carefree little girl.
-I've been very strong in my resolution (not New Year's resolution...just resolve) to be a more active parent in bringing Faith at Home. I've been doing nightly devotions with the kids as well as beginning to bless them several nights a week before they go to sleep. Tonight, I found a blessing our old youth pastor (back 15-16 years ago) used to say after every youth service:
May the Lord bless you and keep you.
May the Lord make His face shine on you and be gracious to you.
May the Lord look upon you with favor and give you peace.
I think I'm going to have to incorporate that into my blessing I say over Noah and Liv....that almost says it all. I just love to watch their face light up when I'm praying over them. It is as though they know that what I'm doing is something that is good for them, about them. They just seem to soak it right up. I mean how could you not when someone is speaking great things over you to your maker? the feeling of importance and pride and self-worth!
-we've had a developing breakthrough with Noah. This child loved, I mean LOVED his vegetables as a baby and toddler. His favourite were peas....he never really enjoyed carrots. He never had any issues with them as a baby. He didn't, however, like fruit at all. I assume it was a texture thing. He preferred veggies over fruit. Somewhere between 12 or 18 mos to one year, he just started not eating them. No apparent reason that I know of...he gradually just started not eating them when they were served and then slowly started gagging when being forced to eat them. Anyway, this past month, we've been trying to work with him. We've promised a big reward if he ate one vegetable at supper time each day. He chose broccoli. He did well for the first week....but he would eat everything else first and then begin to complain he was full. After the first couple nights of this, I started using the oven timer and would give him 5 minutes to eat the floret.
He would dilly-dally and I would give him an additional 5 minutes. Usually, within the 10 minutes he would have it eaten. Not tonight!!!
He put off eating it with his supper, as usual. When his main supper was done, I gave him 5 minutes... When I set the timer, I warned him that if the broccoli wasn't gone in 5 minutes, he would lose the reward. After the 5 minutes, he had started to eat a little so, I showed grace and gave him 5 more minutes. During those 5 minutes, he was playing around, arguing with Olivia, bragging about how much time he had left....yes, 5 minutes is a lot to eat one floret....but this kid can make one floret seem like it was a whole head of broccoli he takes so long.
Scott and I were getting annoyed. So, when the 5 minutes were up, we explained (maybe more of a reprimand) that the reward was gone. He began to cry. We continued to explain that 10 minutes was ample time to finish a piece of broccoli, not to mention the 20 minutes of suppertime before that additional 10 minutes were granted.
It was such a hard thing. He has done so well for the past 7-8 days and it sucks that we had to tough-love him to show him responsibility, integrity and reward. Uggh! I felt so horrible....but how else do you show your child that you mean what you say and say what you mean? how do you teach them the importance of keeping their word? how else do you teach them it isn't okay to manipulate Mommy and Daddy's good grace to get away from what has been asked of them? Tough-love is the answer tonight! Why doesn't it have to be so hard on the parents though? maybe even tougher on us than him. I just want to give in and start over tomorrow...he did eat half...but that isn't the deal!
-about to start reading a book called "Made to Crave" which is a book for women to retrain their brain to crave God instead of the food...what an awesome concept....we are made to crave, but we fill it with other things than God. I pray that it works for the emotional eating I tend to lean on!
-tomorrow going on a mini shopping spree for me. I am in need of some work clothes: pants, shirts, etc. I am bringing along some great friends who will give honest opinions of what looks good, maybe give suggestions of things I would not normally try.
-although I haven't spoken with the doctor to hear my results from him, I spoke with his secretary/nurse/wife who advised me that my abdominal u/s I had a couple weeks ago revealed that I have gallstones--1 large and 1 small. So, I go to my family doctor in April to hear the full results and likely get referred to a surgeon to have my gallbladder removed. Maybe it is psychosomatic, but since I've heard the diagnosis, I've been noticing the constant nagging feeling under my rib on the right-hand side. Maybe it has been there for a while, but since I was denying the whole gallbladder issue, I was chalking it up to gas! I even told the tech during my u/s that "for the record, I don't have is just escess gass" HA! She was likely measuring it as I said that and was like "Okay, lady". Anyway, praying for a quick process of getting these looked after.
-I also had a pelvic u/s. Since my mom died of ovarian cancer, my doctor felt that it would be a good age to start screening. We don't know, for sure, what age my mom first started having trouble. I do know that she had a hysterectomy (partial) back in 1991-1992 (she would have been 40ish at the time) and I don't know the reason behind it. She announced her ovarian cancer in 2004-2005 and died in 2007....but when she announced the cancer, it was stage 1....very treatable at this stage and a common cancer to have. So, she could have had issues earlier...but I'll never know. Anyway, my doctor felt it was something to investigate. I don't have any issues or concerns in that area, so, I'm expecting a bill of health there :)
I think this post has gone on long enough! If you are still here, thanks for listening to my ramblings:)
I don't know how you others do it, having something interesting to say every day, every second day, or every week for that matter.
How do you choose what to say? Do you pick your topics based on what? do you choose funny, motivational, challenging, or total randomness?
I feel that if the story isn't captivating, no one will care to read it...but then again, I don't believe I have a, I should write what feels good to me. With that said, when I'm having good days, I like to share, when I'm having bad days, depending on how personal, I feel hesitant in sharing. You just never know who may "happen" upon the blog. So, I struggle. I want to write uplifting things, but I'm not always in that place. So, I don't want to be seen as the "negative Nancy" who is always speaking of the down things......
my blog is like me.....worrying about what others think. Makes sense, it is my should reflect me and my personality.
So, I guess I'll finish with an update on what has been going on...
-I just read an awesome book that ALL married couples should read...The 5 Love Languages. We've been married for almost 12 years and the knowledge I gained in the few days it took me to read the book will stay with me. Now, I just need to apply what I've learned after I convince Scott to read the book....or at least take the questionnaire so that I can speak his "language".
-Olivia has her new prescription as well as her second pair of glasses. She is doing so well with them. We can't be happier. I just keep praying that they do what they are intended for and that the lazy eye will be corrected. What an incredible girl she is....she doesn't fuss over them, doesn't complain about them, puts them on without being reminded and takes such good care of them. So thankful that she has responded so well to such a drastic change for a carefree little girl.
-I've been very strong in my resolution (not New Year's resolution...just resolve) to be a more active parent in bringing Faith at Home. I've been doing nightly devotions with the kids as well as beginning to bless them several nights a week before they go to sleep. Tonight, I found a blessing our old youth pastor (back 15-16 years ago) used to say after every youth service:
May the Lord bless you and keep you.
May the Lord make His face shine on you and be gracious to you.
May the Lord look upon you with favor and give you peace.
I think I'm going to have to incorporate that into my blessing I say over Noah and Liv....that almost says it all. I just love to watch their face light up when I'm praying over them. It is as though they know that what I'm doing is something that is good for them, about them. They just seem to soak it right up. I mean how could you not when someone is speaking great things over you to your maker? the feeling of importance and pride and self-worth!
-we've had a developing breakthrough with Noah. This child loved, I mean LOVED his vegetables as a baby and toddler. His favourite were peas....he never really enjoyed carrots. He never had any issues with them as a baby. He didn't, however, like fruit at all. I assume it was a texture thing. He preferred veggies over fruit. Somewhere between 12 or 18 mos to one year, he just started not eating them. No apparent reason that I know of...he gradually just started not eating them when they were served and then slowly started gagging when being forced to eat them. Anyway, this past month, we've been trying to work with him. We've promised a big reward if he ate one vegetable at supper time each day. He chose broccoli. He did well for the first week....but he would eat everything else first and then begin to complain he was full. After the first couple nights of this, I started using the oven timer and would give him 5 minutes to eat the floret.
He would dilly-dally and I would give him an additional 5 minutes. Usually, within the 10 minutes he would have it eaten. Not tonight!!!
He put off eating it with his supper, as usual. When his main supper was done, I gave him 5 minutes... When I set the timer, I warned him that if the broccoli wasn't gone in 5 minutes, he would lose the reward. After the 5 minutes, he had started to eat a little so, I showed grace and gave him 5 more minutes. During those 5 minutes, he was playing around, arguing with Olivia, bragging about how much time he had left....yes, 5 minutes is a lot to eat one floret....but this kid can make one floret seem like it was a whole head of broccoli he takes so long.
Scott and I were getting annoyed. So, when the 5 minutes were up, we explained (maybe more of a reprimand) that the reward was gone. He began to cry. We continued to explain that 10 minutes was ample time to finish a piece of broccoli, not to mention the 20 minutes of suppertime before that additional 10 minutes were granted.
It was such a hard thing. He has done so well for the past 7-8 days and it sucks that we had to tough-love him to show him responsibility, integrity and reward. Uggh! I felt so horrible....but how else do you show your child that you mean what you say and say what you mean? how do you teach them the importance of keeping their word? how else do you teach them it isn't okay to manipulate Mommy and Daddy's good grace to get away from what has been asked of them? Tough-love is the answer tonight! Why doesn't it have to be so hard on the parents though? maybe even tougher on us than him. I just want to give in and start over tomorrow...he did eat half...but that isn't the deal!
-about to start reading a book called "Made to Crave" which is a book for women to retrain their brain to crave God instead of the food...what an awesome concept....we are made to crave, but we fill it with other things than God. I pray that it works for the emotional eating I tend to lean on!
-tomorrow going on a mini shopping spree for me. I am in need of some work clothes: pants, shirts, etc. I am bringing along some great friends who will give honest opinions of what looks good, maybe give suggestions of things I would not normally try.
-although I haven't spoken with the doctor to hear my results from him, I spoke with his secretary/nurse/wife who advised me that my abdominal u/s I had a couple weeks ago revealed that I have gallstones--1 large and 1 small. So, I go to my family doctor in April to hear the full results and likely get referred to a surgeon to have my gallbladder removed. Maybe it is psychosomatic, but since I've heard the diagnosis, I've been noticing the constant nagging feeling under my rib on the right-hand side. Maybe it has been there for a while, but since I was denying the whole gallbladder issue, I was chalking it up to gas! I even told the tech during my u/s that "for the record, I don't have is just escess gass" HA! She was likely measuring it as I said that and was like "Okay, lady". Anyway, praying for a quick process of getting these looked after.
-I also had a pelvic u/s. Since my mom died of ovarian cancer, my doctor felt that it would be a good age to start screening. We don't know, for sure, what age my mom first started having trouble. I do know that she had a hysterectomy (partial) back in 1991-1992 (she would have been 40ish at the time) and I don't know the reason behind it. She announced her ovarian cancer in 2004-2005 and died in 2007....but when she announced the cancer, it was stage 1....very treatable at this stage and a common cancer to have. So, she could have had issues earlier...but I'll never know. Anyway, my doctor felt it was something to investigate. I don't have any issues or concerns in that area, so, I'm expecting a bill of health there :)
I think this post has gone on long enough! If you are still here, thanks for listening to my ramblings:)
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Glasses - Take II
So, Olivia's glass journey has been a litle bumpy to say the least.
After the initial shock/guilt/sadness of knowing she needed glasses, we soon got to see how much better she could see things as well as how adorable she looked in them :)
We initially didn't feel great about our optometrist with Olivia but felt as though the reflection could have been brought on by our discomfort with her needing glasses.
While waiting for her glasses, we noticed her left eye was turning inward more and more frequently. We made an appt to see our family doctor since our optometrist gave us no direction other than the lens prescription. We dissent have a treatment plan and he blatantly denied her left eye was turning inward at all.
Our family doctor, quickly looked at her eye and noticed what we had been noticing, he calmed our fears and recommended a second optimetric opinion because of our lack of info received.
On Thursday, I brough Liv to her new optometrist who I couldn't get over how much we were missing out on at our last visit :( Her first word "did the last optometrist dilate her pupils before testing?" to which I replied, "no, is that normal?" Apparently, no child Olivia's age should have their eyes tested without these drops or the result will be inaccurate.
After two hours with a phenomenally gifted optometrist who related so well with Liv, it was determined that Liv was being undercorrected and not given an appropriate treatment plan.
So, we after having glasses for a week, Liv had to return her glasses to the optician to have the lenses adjusted to te proper strength. We will follow up in 7 weeks and then again in a few months to begin the patching regimen.
I know this sounds like a big complaint...which it is, but at the same time, it is a huge sigh of relief that we went with our gut and didn't stop searching when we didn't feel right! We ended up with an awesome doctor, a referral to a specialist, and a detailed treatment plan to help our baby girl see what she needs to see without strain on her eyes :)
Thank you God for your wisdom! Thank you for Your hand in all of this guiding and directing us through it all :)
After the initial shock/guilt/sadness of knowing she needed glasses, we soon got to see how much better she could see things as well as how adorable she looked in them :)
We initially didn't feel great about our optometrist with Olivia but felt as though the reflection could have been brought on by our discomfort with her needing glasses.
While waiting for her glasses, we noticed her left eye was turning inward more and more frequently. We made an appt to see our family doctor since our optometrist gave us no direction other than the lens prescription. We dissent have a treatment plan and he blatantly denied her left eye was turning inward at all.
Our family doctor, quickly looked at her eye and noticed what we had been noticing, he calmed our fears and recommended a second optimetric opinion because of our lack of info received.
On Thursday, I brough Liv to her new optometrist who I couldn't get over how much we were missing out on at our last visit :( Her first word "did the last optometrist dilate her pupils before testing?" to which I replied, "no, is that normal?" Apparently, no child Olivia's age should have their eyes tested without these drops or the result will be inaccurate.
After two hours with a phenomenally gifted optometrist who related so well with Liv, it was determined that Liv was being undercorrected and not given an appropriate treatment plan.
So, we after having glasses for a week, Liv had to return her glasses to the optician to have the lenses adjusted to te proper strength. We will follow up in 7 weeks and then again in a few months to begin the patching regimen.
I know this sounds like a big complaint...which it is, but at the same time, it is a huge sigh of relief that we went with our gut and didn't stop searching when we didn't feel right! We ended up with an awesome doctor, a referral to a specialist, and a detailed treatment plan to help our baby girl see what she needs to see without strain on her eyes :)
Thank you God for your wisdom! Thank you for Your hand in all of this guiding and directing us through it all :)
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Happy Birthday to My Sweet Boy!!
Today, we celebrated Noah's 6th birthday!
Seems like yesterday that I was in the hospital having him, but at the same time, I have a hard time remembering what my life was like before him.
Being a parent has been rewarding, humbling, frustrating, tiring, invigorating, educational, and plainly put AWESOME!!! It has been an oxymoron of feelings and experiences but my life has been so enriched that I am happy that I have been blessed to be called "Mommy, Mama, Mom"
I love you my sweet boy! Wishing you a happy 6th birthday!
Seems like yesterday that I was in the hospital having him, but at the same time, I have a hard time remembering what my life was like before him.
Being a parent has been rewarding, humbling, frustrating, tiring, invigorating, educational, and plainly put AWESOME!!! It has been an oxymoron of feelings and experiences but my life has been so enriched that I am happy that I have been blessed to be called "Mommy, Mama, Mom"
I love you my sweet boy! Wishing you a happy 6th birthday!
Monday, February 21, 2011
Isn't she lovely?
Faith @ Home
Yesterday was such a busy day, but thankfully, I left feeling renewed, rejuvenated and feeling determined to change.
We had a guest speaker at our church yesterday morning. He spoke on Faith @ Home. I use some teachable moments to speak to the kids about Jesus, my faith etc, but after yesterday, I realized that it wasn't enough. It was a priority, but my actions weren't following suit.
Based on statistics 6-9 out of 10 churched children will fall away from their faith after they graduate high school. The main reason: hypocrisy. They feel that their lives at church were different than their lives at home. They felt that they were raised in hypocrisy...their parents were faith-filled on Sunday, but never brought their faith home. I don't want to be the reason why my kids don't experience eternal life.
According to studies, there are 40 assets that children may develop in life. The average child grows up with 18. In order to do well in life, the child need 31 or more. So, we as parents have to work on helping them develop 13. However, there is one asset that almost guarantees 30 others to follow....Faith Relationship.
Both scriptures Joshua 24:15 and Deuteronomy 6:2 have something in common. Both talk about how your family/houehold will serve the Lord. But I never got this until both verses, before it mentions family, it mentions "me".
Joshua 24:15 - As for ME and my household, we will serve the Lord
Deuteronomy 6:2 - so that YOU, your children and their children after them may fear the LORD your God as long as you live by keeping all his decrees and commands that I give you, and so that you may enjoy long life.
Wow! Did you get it?!? It starts with me. How can I expect my children to want to read the Bible, listen to Christian music, do devotionals, love God if I first don't do it where they can see me and know that I love it? It starts with me.
Another eye-opener. Ask your kids who they think you are in love with. See if God makes the short list without prodding them. Do they see that you love God with all your heart, your soul, your mind?
The beauty: today is a new day! I can set a new course for my life and for my children's lives. Again, I didn't live a hypocrite lifestyle, we talk about God, we talk about faith, we pray, we do a lot, but I left yesterday knowing that I can do more.
Tonight, after work, while driving to our house, I asked the kids if they had a good day and if there was anything they wanted to pray about. I didn't think they would be old enough to really grasp a random question like this. To my surprise, Olivia told me her eye was bugging her and Noah asked that we pray for a boy at daycare that has been excluding him from play. Right there in the vehicle, we prayed for both situations and it wasn't awkward, the kids realized that there never is a wrong time to pray.
At home, while the kids were taking their bath, I grabbed my iPhone (it is never far away). I found a newfound favourite song and I made it a devotional with the kids. The song doesn't have an official title but it is called "untitled song (come to Jesus)". I played the song a couple times, I then found the lyrics online and read them to the kids and asked them what they thought each line/verse meant.
It is such a powerful song and totally reflects how I want my christian walk to be as well as my kids. I want them to know that no matter what, Jesus is there all the time to be with us and wait for us to come to, sing to, fall on, dance for, cry to, fly to...
I explained that no matter what Jesus is there for us.
What a great blessing my kids are to me and I pray that God will continue to lead me in the direction that leads my children to Him!
Here is the song, I found it on powerful!!!
We had a guest speaker at our church yesterday morning. He spoke on Faith @ Home. I use some teachable moments to speak to the kids about Jesus, my faith etc, but after yesterday, I realized that it wasn't enough. It was a priority, but my actions weren't following suit.
Based on statistics 6-9 out of 10 churched children will fall away from their faith after they graduate high school. The main reason: hypocrisy. They feel that their lives at church were different than their lives at home. They felt that they were raised in hypocrisy...their parents were faith-filled on Sunday, but never brought their faith home. I don't want to be the reason why my kids don't experience eternal life.
According to studies, there are 40 assets that children may develop in life. The average child grows up with 18. In order to do well in life, the child need 31 or more. So, we as parents have to work on helping them develop 13. However, there is one asset that almost guarantees 30 others to follow....Faith Relationship.
Both scriptures Joshua 24:15 and Deuteronomy 6:2 have something in common. Both talk about how your family/houehold will serve the Lord. But I never got this until both verses, before it mentions family, it mentions "me".
Joshua 24:15 - As for ME and my household, we will serve the Lord
Deuteronomy 6:2 - so that YOU, your children and their children after them may fear the LORD your God as long as you live by keeping all his decrees and commands that I give you, and so that you may enjoy long life.
Wow! Did you get it?!? It starts with me. How can I expect my children to want to read the Bible, listen to Christian music, do devotionals, love God if I first don't do it where they can see me and know that I love it? It starts with me.
Another eye-opener. Ask your kids who they think you are in love with. See if God makes the short list without prodding them. Do they see that you love God with all your heart, your soul, your mind?
The beauty: today is a new day! I can set a new course for my life and for my children's lives. Again, I didn't live a hypocrite lifestyle, we talk about God, we talk about faith, we pray, we do a lot, but I left yesterday knowing that I can do more.
Tonight, after work, while driving to our house, I asked the kids if they had a good day and if there was anything they wanted to pray about. I didn't think they would be old enough to really grasp a random question like this. To my surprise, Olivia told me her eye was bugging her and Noah asked that we pray for a boy at daycare that has been excluding him from play. Right there in the vehicle, we prayed for both situations and it wasn't awkward, the kids realized that there never is a wrong time to pray.
At home, while the kids were taking their bath, I grabbed my iPhone (it is never far away). I found a newfound favourite song and I made it a devotional with the kids. The song doesn't have an official title but it is called "untitled song (come to Jesus)". I played the song a couple times, I then found the lyrics online and read them to the kids and asked them what they thought each line/verse meant.
It is such a powerful song and totally reflects how I want my christian walk to be as well as my kids. I want them to know that no matter what, Jesus is there all the time to be with us and wait for us to come to, sing to, fall on, dance for, cry to, fly to...
I explained that no matter what Jesus is there for us.
What a great blessing my kids are to me and I pray that God will continue to lead me in the direction that leads my children to Him!
Here is the song, I found it on powerful!!!
Thursday, February 17, 2011
God uses children!!!
Last night after my blog post about my struggles, I heard from God! No, it wasn't his audible voice, but it was Him nonetheless.
I was doing something with Olivia and she stopped and recited a scripture verse she memorized last year, Psalms 139:14 "How YOU made me is amazing and wonderful!" now if that isn't God sending his compassion and love and grace down to me, then I don't know what is!
You know what?!?! She is right, God mad her and she is amazing, wonderful, beautiful, intelligent and most of all, she is EXACTLY how HE wants her to be!
I love My God who is so concerned about me and my feelings that he used the very person I needed to hear Him speak through!
I was doing something with Olivia and she stopped and recited a scripture verse she memorized last year, Psalms 139:14 "How YOU made me is amazing and wonderful!" now if that isn't God sending his compassion and love and grace down to me, then I don't know what is!
You know what?!?! She is right, God mad her and she is amazing, wonderful, beautiful, intelligent and most of all, she is EXACTLY how HE wants her to be!
I love My God who is so concerned about me and my feelings that he used the very person I needed to hear Him speak through!
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Struggling a little...
Olivia had her 3.5 year assessment right after Christmas. She is a bright girl and did well with what she was asked to do, but it was noted that her left eye seemed weaker than her right eye. She has been to the optometrist in the past, and at the time of her 3.5 yr assessment, I couldn't remember the optometrist saying anything about her left eye.
As a couple days passed, I had a vague memory of him mentioning something. However, she was 2 when she had her appt, so, I believe at the time we chalked it up to her being 2 and not being comfortable with the tests.
After her assessment, I called the optometrist and his receptionist confirmed that it was noted that her left eye was indeed weaker than her right.
We opted to wait for a full year to revisit. So, we would make an appointment in the summer.
Since the assessment, we had been noticing Olivia's left eye turning in quite a bit at night time. We weren't sure if it was psychosomatic or if she indeed had a problem that needed to be looked at. So, we made an appt for yesterday with the optometrist.
To our dismay, her left eye is considerably weak and my baby girl needs glasses! I'm not sure why I'm struggling with it the year's of teaching (aka brainwashing) that told me that nothing bad will ever happen to you or your family if you believe or pray right??? is it that I have the images from kids in my past who were made fun of for wearing glasses??? is it my own insecurities that my child isn't perfect??? I don't know....maybe a mix of all 3.
I know the first one is a big factor. I have been taught in church for so many years that if you believe it and claim it, and have enough faith, nothing will come nigh you or your family. I'm not theological and don't claim to know everything about the Word and what it says and doesn't say. However, I believe that this teaching has left me with nothing but guilty feelings...and I don't think guilt is from God. It makes me wonder if I didn't pray right, did I not believe enough, etc. It makes it seem like my fault. I'm at a loss on what is the right teaching on faith and will of God. I truly believe that God doesn't want bad things to happen to us and our loved ones and that we must have faith. I also have a strong belief that we live in an imperfect world and to believe that only good things will happen to us is a disillusionment. The fact that my 3-year-old needs glasses and can't see very well out of her left eye can't be a result of not believing enough, can it?
What I'm trying to focus on right now is that eyeglasses really aren't that bad. Many people wear them and are okay with it. So, why do I still feel so guilty and sad?
I think I might just have to think of all the things she has been spared in her life because of my faith and because of my belief in God and His will for mine and my family's life.
I Thessalonians 5:18 – In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.
So, God I thank you for a beautifully healthy, talented, gentle, sweet, energetic, generous and loving daughter. I know that your hand is on her and that you are concerned for her. Please help me today to feel your love and grace instead of guilt as I know that feeling is not from/of You.
As a couple days passed, I had a vague memory of him mentioning something. However, she was 2 when she had her appt, so, I believe at the time we chalked it up to her being 2 and not being comfortable with the tests.
After her assessment, I called the optometrist and his receptionist confirmed that it was noted that her left eye was indeed weaker than her right.
We opted to wait for a full year to revisit. So, we would make an appointment in the summer.
Since the assessment, we had been noticing Olivia's left eye turning in quite a bit at night time. We weren't sure if it was psychosomatic or if she indeed had a problem that needed to be looked at. So, we made an appt for yesterday with the optometrist.
To our dismay, her left eye is considerably weak and my baby girl needs glasses! I'm not sure why I'm struggling with it the year's of teaching (aka brainwashing) that told me that nothing bad will ever happen to you or your family if you believe or pray right??? is it that I have the images from kids in my past who were made fun of for wearing glasses??? is it my own insecurities that my child isn't perfect??? I don't know....maybe a mix of all 3.
I know the first one is a big factor. I have been taught in church for so many years that if you believe it and claim it, and have enough faith, nothing will come nigh you or your family. I'm not theological and don't claim to know everything about the Word and what it says and doesn't say. However, I believe that this teaching has left me with nothing but guilty feelings...and I don't think guilt is from God. It makes me wonder if I didn't pray right, did I not believe enough, etc. It makes it seem like my fault. I'm at a loss on what is the right teaching on faith and will of God. I truly believe that God doesn't want bad things to happen to us and our loved ones and that we must have faith. I also have a strong belief that we live in an imperfect world and to believe that only good things will happen to us is a disillusionment. The fact that my 3-year-old needs glasses and can't see very well out of her left eye can't be a result of not believing enough, can it?
What I'm trying to focus on right now is that eyeglasses really aren't that bad. Many people wear them and are okay with it. So, why do I still feel so guilty and sad?
I think I might just have to think of all the things she has been spared in her life because of my faith and because of my belief in God and His will for mine and my family's life.
I Thessalonians 5:18 – In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.
So, God I thank you for a beautifully healthy, talented, gentle, sweet, energetic, generous and loving daughter. I know that your hand is on her and that you are concerned for her. Please help me today to feel your love and grace instead of guilt as I know that feeling is not from/of You.
Jack Frost
We left Moncton around 11:00 and arrived in PEI around 1:00 pm. Since the festivities didn't start until 5 pm, we had some rest time. We then went out and walked around to get our bearings. The venue had changed this year and we were unfamiliar with the grounds. So, we walked to Wendy's to get a late lunch, then to the mall to see where the grounds were (behind the mall).
We soon, got back and got our outdoor clothes on and ventured out to Jack Frost. Unfortunately, I forgot to bring my camera, so there are no pics from our first night. Because it started at 5 and we only got there around 6 pm, and the kids bedtime is at 7 pm usually, we weren't sure how long we were going to stay. The fireworks started around 7:15, but by 7 pm, Olivia was shiverring really bad and asked to go back to the hotel room. I don't think she understood what she was asking. Last year, our hotel room overlooked the harbour (where the fireworks took place), this year, they were behind the mall as well and our room wasn't facing them. It was only around 9 pm (the kids were still up) that Olivia realized that we weren't going to see the fireworks that night. She wasn't too upset, but we made arrangements for the next night to ensure that she got to see them :)
When we got back to our room, there was no heat in our room. We called the front desk. Within 20 minutes, the heat kicked back on. Scott went to get our very late supper, and when he got back he noticed that the heat had kicked off again. I hadn't noticed since it was on long enough to warm up the room. He called again, at which point we learned that the hotel was having problems in our entire wing. They were shutting non-essential things off to accommodate the load that all the guests were causing. They said the would call the electrician the next day (ummm...something didn't seem right). The power came on and off 3 more times and finally came on to stay at 11 pm. Our kids were complaining that they were cold, so we were left snuggling in bed without being able to do anything in our hotel room. We had brought the kids' special blankets, thankfully, since they had to cuddle up in those when the finally went to bed. The hotel sent around nice complimentary snack baskets to apologize for our trouble the next day....nice touch!!!
On Saturday morning, we opted to go to the UPEI Cari complex venue. They had bouncy castles, Princess Boutique, and Superhero Training Camp as well as many different Discovery Centre activities. Later in the day, they had swimming at the complex (but we opted to stay at the hotel and swim)
In the evening, we went a little later to the Jack Frost outdoor site. We wanted to make sure that the kids didn't get too cold again. We watched The Real McCoy which is a juggling-type show and had fun with that, we went on the slides again, then found a great spot to watch the fireworks. The kids loved being outside for them this year. The loved the noises, the musical accompaniment and the fact that Daddy bought cotton candy (or cottage is what Olivia called it, lol) for the event.
On Sunday morning, we got up early, had breakfast and headed back over to the outdoor site for one last hurrah before leaving PEI. It was so bitter cold and windy, there were barely anyone there. We just kept moving and didn't let the cold stop us. We went on the ice slides quite a few times in a row, then onto the tube slides. I have a nice bruise on my tailbone from one of the bumps that I hit. While waiting for the Shrek and Fiona show, we went onto the huge snow jungle gym and had fun on some mini ice slides where the kids pretended to be penguins. After the Shrek and Fiona show, we took the shuttle back to our hotel, packed everything up into the vehicle and headed home. What a great weekend. So much fun to not be on a set schedule, enjoy our family without any interruptions. We had quite a few laughs, quite a few memories and lots of love to go around for everyone. I really recommend this for all families. It is relatively cheap and so much fun.
Look at the high ceiling in our room....LOVED it!!!! |
Scott and the family in our hotel room taking a rest before night #1 starts :) |
Love this picture....they are sound asleep and cuddled right up to each other....Aren't they gorgeous?!? |
Daddy and Noah on the shuttle to the Cari Complex |
Mommy and Olivia on the shuttle on the way to the Cari Complex |
Noah, the superhero! |
Olivia getting her nails done as she transforms into a princess |
Love the colour she chose for her favourite colour and it looks great with her complexion |
In front of the wonderful Jack Frost snow sculpture |
Noah coming down the ice can see Daddy and Olivia waiting at the top |
Here comes Olivia |
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Weekend family getaway!
It has been a while since I've blogged! I guess I dissent have an urge or there wasn't anything blog-worthy!
We are getting ready to take the kids to our yearly family getaway to Jack Frost Festival. It is a wonderful outside event (with indoor events too), but it is basically a great place to enjoy your family, the outdoors, and a little getaway for very little money! It will be our 5th year going and our family always looks forward to it!
I'm hoping to take some pica that I can post on my next blog entry...whenever that is.
Off to pick up my sweet little boy from his night at PowerUP, where he is learning about respect tonight! I'm usually there with the grade 1 girls, but Liv came go
E with a low-grade fever tonight ao she couldn't go. Praying for her to feel better for the weekend!
We are getting ready to take the kids to our yearly family getaway to Jack Frost Festival. It is a wonderful outside event (with indoor events too), but it is basically a great place to enjoy your family, the outdoors, and a little getaway for very little money! It will be our 5th year going and our family always looks forward to it!
I'm hoping to take some pica that I can post on my next blog entry...whenever that is.
Off to pick up my sweet little boy from his night at PowerUP, where he is learning about respect tonight! I'm usually there with the grade 1 girls, but Liv came go
E with a low-grade fever tonight ao she couldn't go. Praying for her to feel better for the weekend!
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Xbox 360 kinect
We have a new toy at our house! We tend to get the latest gaming gadgets....I'm married to a techie, so it is kind of expected.
Anyway, the kids were so excited to finish supper and go downstairs to play the kinect. They had so much fun for an hour until bedtime...they jumped, kicked, laughed and played really hard and went right to sleep at bedtime.
After my workout, I did a couple games by myself to see what it was like...what a fun little contraption. I can't wait to see if we decide to keep it so I can crack open the Biggest Loser workout and see how I get beat into shape with it :)
Anyway, the kids were so excited to finish supper and go downstairs to play the kinect. They had so much fun for an hour until bedtime...they jumped, kicked, laughed and played really hard and went right to sleep at bedtime.
After my workout, I did a couple games by myself to see what it was like...what a fun little contraption. I can't wait to see if we decide to keep it so I can crack open the Biggest Loser workout and see how I get beat into shape with it :)
Monday, January 24, 2011
Very seldom do we miss bedtime with our kids! If it can be avoided, I don't make plans during bedtime. This all roots from the fact I breastfed both kids until they were 2, this made leaving extra hard! To be honest, I love being home at bedtime! I love those last few minutes before they go to sleep where we tell stories, pray, sing and have some cuddle time!
Since we've had Olivia, Scott does bedtime with Noah and I so bedtime with Liv! We each trade off for a couple minutes to give the other child a quick cuddle and time!
Tonight, Scott was out at bedtime, but he made a point to call and speak to both kids on the phone to wish them a good night! Things like that make my heart smile! They love their daddy so much and for him to know how much that time means to them and make an effort to be a part of it even when he isn't home makes me realize all over again why I wanted to have children with this man! To top it off, when he got home, I saw him sneak quietly into their rooms to give them their goodnight kisses!
Good job "daddy" for making their bedtime complete!
Since we've had Olivia, Scott does bedtime with Noah and I so bedtime with Liv! We each trade off for a couple minutes to give the other child a quick cuddle and time!
Tonight, Scott was out at bedtime, but he made a point to call and speak to both kids on the phone to wish them a good night! Things like that make my heart smile! They love their daddy so much and for him to know how much that time means to them and make an effort to be a part of it even when he isn't home makes me realize all over again why I wanted to have children with this man! To top it off, when he got home, I saw him sneak quietly into their rooms to give them their goodnight kisses!
Good job "daddy" for making their bedtime complete!
Sunday, January 23, 2011
The Land Between...
What an awesome message at church today! We watched a video clip from the Leadership Summit! Jeff Manion spoke from Numbers 11 and spoke about the land between Egypt (slavery) and the Promised Land!
I recommend googling it, it could be the difference between breaking through or breaking down under the pressure of living in the land between!
Quickly, the points are as follows:
*In the Land Between we use the term “For Now”
*For now I’m living with my parents
*For now I’m working at McDonald’s
*The land between is where many of us find ourselves today, you don;t know how you got there or how you are going to to get out of it. You feel like you are in the Desert.
*God says Ill take you out of the land of Egypt into the land of promise – it doesn’t talk about the land in-between. But we know that the Israelite’s wandered for 40 years in the desert. they were in THE LAND BETWEEN.
Numbers 11:4 read with a whining voice
*they didn’t complain about their condition they complained and thought that they are better off without God.
*QUESTION – How is God going to meet his servant Moses?
Numbers 11:11-14
*v. 15 Kill me now – It’s too heavy I can’t carry it any more!
*QUESTION: Who’s voice do you hear more?
*Many times we are prepared for days of disappointment but rarely are we ready for long stints of disappointment.
Numbers 11:16-17
*God provides for our need
*What if we cried out to God and He provided?
*This can be different, and sometimes different then what we expect.
*God loves to provide … It’s what He does!
Numbers 11:18-20
*V 23 – Is the Lords are to short?
*Is God to weak to handle your need?
*Discipline is inflicting pain for redemptive purposes
*Warning – We tend to think we are immune from Gods discipline
*it one of the best places to learn to trust the Lord
*the between is an opportunity to transform you into the person God has created you to be
*its here that we learn to pray
*its hear that we learn to depend
HOWEVER, it doesn’t happen automatically
*when you travel through this land your heart is in danger
*its the best place for growth but its also the place people go to die.
*complaint arrives as an uninvited quest.
*complaint resist eviction
*TRUST however evicts complaint
I recommend googling it, it could be the difference between breaking through or breaking down under the pressure of living in the land between!
Quickly, the points are as follows:
*In the Land Between we use the term “For Now”
*For now I’m living with my parents
*For now I’m working at McDonald’s
*The land between is where many of us find ourselves today, you don;t know how you got there or how you are going to to get out of it. You feel like you are in the Desert.
*God says Ill take you out of the land of Egypt into the land of promise – it doesn’t talk about the land in-between. But we know that the Israelite’s wandered for 40 years in the desert. they were in THE LAND BETWEEN.
Numbers 11:4 read with a whining voice
*they didn’t complain about their condition they complained and thought that they are better off without God.
*QUESTION – How is God going to meet his servant Moses?
Numbers 11:11-14
*v. 15 Kill me now – It’s too heavy I can’t carry it any more!
*QUESTION: Who’s voice do you hear more?
*Many times we are prepared for days of disappointment but rarely are we ready for long stints of disappointment.
Numbers 11:16-17
*God provides for our need
*What if we cried out to God and He provided?
*This can be different, and sometimes different then what we expect.
*God loves to provide … It’s what He does!
Numbers 11:18-20
*V 23 – Is the Lords are to short?
*Is God to weak to handle your need?
*Discipline is inflicting pain for redemptive purposes
*Warning – We tend to think we are immune from Gods discipline
*it one of the best places to learn to trust the Lord
*the between is an opportunity to transform you into the person God has created you to be
*its here that we learn to pray
*its hear that we learn to depend
HOWEVER, it doesn’t happen automatically
*when you travel through this land your heart is in danger
*its the best place for growth but its also the place people go to die.
*complaint arrives as an uninvited quest.
*complaint resist eviction
*TRUST however evicts complaint
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