Friday, April 1, 2011

The verdict is I wait for a referral

Today was my appt with my family doctor to hear the official results of both my ultrasounds and to get the referral to the general surgeon.

I don't know much about cholecystitis and all that, so maybe I'm just a run-of-the-mill case, but I only know mine.

Apparently, I have a large stone (1 inch diameter) an at least one smaller one. The bigger one isn't the concern since it can't escape the gallbladder, however the smaller ones can. With that said, the bigger one is the one that likely causes the constant is blocking the gallbladder when it contracts.

I've been referred to a fairly new general surgeon in town in hopes that I will be seen sooner and get the surgery. I've made it very clear to my doctor, on the referral, and to the general surgeon's answering machine that I can go for my consult at any time...I can be there within minutes if they need a filler patient.

I really don't want another attack like I suffered a couple weeks back...the sooner I'm seen, the sooner I get a surgery date, and the sooner I'm pain free :)

As for the other ultrasound, my uterus and ovaries are perfectly healthy :) and no surprise babies, lol.

All in all a great visit


  1. Penny, I will be praying for you! Any news on when you can expect to see the surgeon?

  2. Hey Shannon! I just the call today and I go seethe surgeon on Monday at 9 am :)
