Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Xbox 360 kinect

We have a new toy at our house!  We tend to get the latest gaming gadgets....I'm married to a techie, so it is kind of expected.

Anyway, the kids were so excited to finish supper and go downstairs to play the kinect.  They had so much fun for an hour until bedtime...they jumped, kicked, laughed and played really hard and went right to sleep at bedtime.

After my workout, I did a couple games by myself to see what it was like...what a fun little contraption.  I can't wait to see if we decide to keep it so I can crack open the Biggest Loser workout and see how I get beat into shape with it :)

Monday, January 24, 2011


Very seldom do we miss bedtime with our kids! If it can be avoided, I don't make plans during bedtime. This all roots from the fact I breastfed both kids until they were 2, this made leaving extra hard! To be honest, I love being home at bedtime! I love those last few minutes before they go to sleep where we tell stories, pray, sing and have some cuddle time!

Since we've had Olivia, Scott does bedtime with Noah and I so bedtime with Liv! We each trade off for a couple minutes to give the other child a quick cuddle and time!

Tonight, Scott was out at bedtime, but he made a point to call and speak to both kids on the phone to wish them a good night! Things like that make my heart smile! They love their daddy so much and for him to know how much that time means to them and make an effort to be a part of it even when he isn't home makes me realize all over again why I wanted to have children with this man! To top it off, when he got home, I saw him sneak quietly into their rooms to give them their goodnight kisses!

Good job "daddy" for making their bedtime complete!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

The Land Between...

What an awesome message at church today! We watched a video clip from the Leadership Summit! Jeff Manion spoke from Numbers 11 and spoke about the land between Egypt (slavery) and the Promised Land!

I recommend googling it, it could be the difference between breaking through or breaking down under the pressure of living in the land between!

Quickly, the points are as follows:

*In the Land Between we use the term “For Now”
*For now I’m living with my parents
*For now I’m working at McDonald’s

*The land between is where many of us find ourselves today, you don;t know how you got there or how you are going to to get out of it. You feel like you are in the Desert.

*God says Ill take you out of the land of Egypt into the land of promise – it doesn’t talk about the land in-between. But we know that the Israelite’s wandered for 40 years in the desert. they were in THE LAND BETWEEN.


Numbers 11:4 read with a whining voice
*they didn’t complain about their condition they complained and thought that they are better off without God.
*QUESTION – How is God going to meet his servant Moses?

Numbers 11:11-14
*v. 15 Kill me now – It’s too heavy I can’t carry it any more!
*QUESTION: Who’s voice do you hear more?
*Many times we are prepared for days of disappointment but rarely are we ready for long stints of disappointment.

Numbers 11:16-17
*God provides for our need
*What if we cried out to God and He provided?
*This can be different, and sometimes different then what we expect.
*God loves to provide … It’s what He does!

Numbers 11:18-20
*V 23 – Is the Lords are to short?
*Is God to weak to handle your need?
*Discipline is inflicting pain for redemptive purposes
*Warning – We tend to think we are immune from Gods discipline

*it one of the best places to learn to trust the Lord
*the between is an opportunity to transform you into the person God has created you to be
*its here that we learn to pray
*its hear that we learn to depend

HOWEVER, it doesn’t happen automatically
*when you travel through this land your heart is in danger
*its the best place for growth but its also the place people go to die.
*complaint arrives as an uninvited quest.
*complaint resist eviction
*TRUST however evicts complaint


Saturday, January 22, 2011

Superhero? ...I'm flattered :)

The other day while picking Olivia up from daycare I was informed other funny comment of the day.

The kids were outside playing superheroes. When the got inside and had some circle time, the teachers asked who they all were when yet were pretending to be superheroes. Obviously, there were the spiderman(s), Luke Skywalker, Dora, etc. When they came to Olivia, she declared "I was Penny Mxxxxxx!" hahaha! Thanks baby girl, you're my hero too!

Friday, January 21, 2011

What is a sinner to you?

To me, it is someone who has chosen to live their life independent from God OR someone not yet at the right age to make that choice OR someone who has never heard there is a choice.

Well today, a co-worker told me of an instance she brought her young son to a kids church type of event. She stayed to listen. The "speaker" then proceeded to tell the children they were all "sinners".

My co-worker explained how she was appalled and removed her son almost immediately and never returned. She was offended. She went on to say, "a sinner is someone who lies, cheats, steals, kills, etc"

I took the opportunity to share my belief. I said, the man was right! He may not have said it in a way for a child to understand or may not have went on to explain it so that 5-10 yr olds could understand, but he stated a fact! Unless these children had accepted Jesus into their hearts and asked for forgiveness, they were sinners.

I went on to say, lying, cheating and stealing are sins and are usually a result of being a sinner (someone who hasn't asked God to be the God of their lives.

I told her about my discussion with my son te other night where he told me that he would be my boy forever even when I went to Heaven. He round about said aomething about him going and I explained unless he asked Jesus to be his Forever Friend (to live in his heart) he couldn't go to Heaven.

I explained to her that you can't withhold the truth fromyiur children because it can be scary, but you can explain these things in a positive way. I don't believe in teaching fire and brimstone, but I made it a positive thing for Noah! I left it open for discussion with me, his dad, his Sunday school teacher. I know one day he will come to me and ask for help it tell me about his life's decision and I will encourage him!

This lady went on to say, "but you are forcing your beliefs on him" to which I answered "ABSOLUTELY!!! That is my right and my responsibility. You teach your child manners, rules, etc because those are your beliefs, this is mine and I incorporate it into my parenting along with all the other rules!"

She then said she learned something! She proceeded to look up the word sun and realized that it wasn't one bad deed but the choice to violate the moral "rules" of a supreme power/being (God)!

God, I pray that my gentle correction to her misunderstanding of your love and grace will grow in her spirit! I pray that her heart continues to open up to the wonderful world of knowing you and that it isn't a shackle but a key! May my simple obedience to your prompting today be a tiny light of hope in her life! Amen

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The Verdict....Not Guilty

So, tonight I had an aha moment! I'm doing something nice for someone! As I prepare to do this nice thing, I become overwhelmed with shame, guilt and insecurity over it not being good enough!

Luckily, I caught myself in those feelings and stopped them dead in their tracks. I don't need to be ashamed, guilty or insecure about what I'm doing. God knows my heart and he knows that I'm doing it in obedience to Him and that I'm doing it joyfully! Why do I feel those feelings....and then it hits me....Satan! He loves me feeling all those feelings because then it takes all glory away from God! It takes the blessing away!

So what do I have to say to that?!?!? NOT GUILTY!!! Jesus died for me and my sins so that I never have to feel those feelings! He felt them all for me! NOT GUILTY!

I started humming this song to myself and said a silent "thank you" to my savior!

Not Guilty - by Mandisa
I stand accused
There's a list a mile long
Of all my sins
Of everything that I've done wrong
I'm so ashamed

There's nowhere left for me to hide
This is the day
I must answer for my life
My fate is in the Judge's hands
But then He turns to me and says

I know you, I love you
I gave My life to save you
Love paid the price for mercy
My verdict not guilty

How can it be?
I can't begin to comprehend
What kind of grace
Would take the place for all my sin?

I stand in awe
Now that I have been set free
And the tears well up
As I look at that cross
'Cause it should have been me

My fate was in the nail scarred hands
He stretched them out for me
And said

I know you, I love you
I gave My life to save you
Love paid the price for mercy
My verdict not guilty

I'm falling on my knees to thank You
With everything I am I'll praise you
So grateful for the words I heard
You say

I know you, I love you
I gave My life
I know you, I love you
I gave My life just to save you
Love paid the price for mercy
My verdict not guilty

Love paid the price for mercy
My verdict not guilty, not guilty

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Blogging via iPhone for Dummies

If that book exists, I need a copy!

I have a PC, but I never use it. I have a laptop that is ancient and hate opening it up! I have an iPhone and LOVE the convenience and quick access to everything that interests me at my fingertips.

What I don't like is that I cant figure out how to upload pics that I have taken with my phone camera into my blogs...arghh!

So this is kind of a test to see one last time if it can be done!

Today, I made myself proud! I measured, levelled, drilled holes, anchored screws in my wall to hang one of my new mirrors! I did it! Only two holes in the wall for both hooks and voilĂ , it is hung and looks fantastic.

I have another mirror and many picture frames I want to hang! We have lived here for 11 years and have very few wall hangings because of lack of skill!

Now to figure out how tonpost the pic of my mirror :S

Ughhhhh! Cant figure it out from te phone!

Friday, January 7, 2011

It's a GIRL!!!!!!

Those are the words my mother heard 34 years ago! I was a bouncing baby girl weighing in at a whopping 10 lbs 14 oz! My grandmother said I was the mist beautiful baby:)

Today has been a good day! I woke up, took my shower and got a sweet "happy birthday" from my tired little girl. Soon after, my boy woke up to tell me that "birthday girls" get to sleep in. I guess my 6 o'clock alarm didn't get the memo :(

I cant believe that I'm 34. I've never stressed about birthdays...well except my 27th...I had just gone through a miscarriage and dissent know if a baby was in my future! I didn't like not being a mommy.

Ive been happy all day long! Ive been getting lovely birthday wishes all day via email, facebook, texts, and phone calls! I loved every minute of it!

I feel good, I'm looking better than I have in a while and am having a happy birthday!!!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Scott and I carpool to work. We work for the aame company, but my department recently moved to another location. I drop him off at his office (or nearby) and then go to my office.

This morning, I dropped him off in a nearby parking lot and then started to drive to work. By the time I got to the road, I quickly got a glimpse of him walking. To my surprise, he gave me butterflies as I saw him looking so handsome in his new wool 3/4 length coat.

Love him!!!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

I Am Second....or am I?

Today was the first day of church for year 2011.  What a challenging service.  It was geared towards making your year's focus on God.

They showed 2 clips from a website whose purpose is to make God the primary focus in the hearts of Americans.  It shows celebrities (musicians, actors, sports figures, etc) who have stepped forward to declare that they are not who they are but for Jesus. 

The first clip was of Stephen Baldwin.  He mentioned that his cleaning lady was instrumental in his and his wife's salvation.

The second clip was of Michelle Aguilar, previous winner of The Biggest Loser. This one really hit home with me.  Michelle talked of her severed relationship with her mother and how it lead to overeating and gaining over 100 pounds.  I saw a lot of me in her testimony.  I haven't gained 100 lbs and I'm not morbidly obese, but I do get comfort from food. I'm an emotional eater and I internalize a lot of my feelings for fear of abandonment.

In my short life, I've been abandoned by those closest to me.  I fear that everyone in my life will eventually leave me.  I parent the way I do because of how I was raised.  I refused to let my son cry it out as an infant because I knew the pain of feeling alone - he slept with us for the first 18 months of his life.  I hate arguing or fighting with people because I ultimately think they will turn around and walk out on me and bring everyone else along with them.  Come on, if your parents can leave you, why couldn't an acquaintance, a friend, a child, a husband. I jeopardize friendships so that I'm the one leaving and I try to control everything so that I can't be hurt or let down by anyone again.

Michelle said something so profound though.  She said "when I was in control was when my life was out of control". So, as of today, I'm going to make the change. I'm going to give God control of my life.  I'm going to become second.  He has already taken care of the loneliness, the heartache, the frustrations, the feelings of inferiority, and all that junk I live with everyday.  He has made me a new person when I was saved so many years ago...I just haven't let him take control.

So, today, I introduce you to me, I am second..........

If you want to see the amazing testimonies, please follow this link: http://iamsecond.com/#/seconds/Michelle_Aguilar/