Friday, January 21, 2011

What is a sinner to you?

To me, it is someone who has chosen to live their life independent from God OR someone not yet at the right age to make that choice OR someone who has never heard there is a choice.

Well today, a co-worker told me of an instance she brought her young son to a kids church type of event. She stayed to listen. The "speaker" then proceeded to tell the children they were all "sinners".

My co-worker explained how she was appalled and removed her son almost immediately and never returned. She was offended. She went on to say, "a sinner is someone who lies, cheats, steals, kills, etc"

I took the opportunity to share my belief. I said, the man was right! He may not have said it in a way for a child to understand or may not have went on to explain it so that 5-10 yr olds could understand, but he stated a fact! Unless these children had accepted Jesus into their hearts and asked for forgiveness, they were sinners.

I went on to say, lying, cheating and stealing are sins and are usually a result of being a sinner (someone who hasn't asked God to be the God of their lives.

I told her about my discussion with my son te other night where he told me that he would be my boy forever even when I went to Heaven. He round about said aomething about him going and I explained unless he asked Jesus to be his Forever Friend (to live in his heart) he couldn't go to Heaven.

I explained to her that you can't withhold the truth fromyiur children because it can be scary, but you can explain these things in a positive way. I don't believe in teaching fire and brimstone, but I made it a positive thing for Noah! I left it open for discussion with me, his dad, his Sunday school teacher. I know one day he will come to me and ask for help it tell me about his life's decision and I will encourage him!

This lady went on to say, "but you are forcing your beliefs on him" to which I answered "ABSOLUTELY!!! That is my right and my responsibility. You teach your child manners, rules, etc because those are your beliefs, this is mine and I incorporate it into my parenting along with all the other rules!"

She then said she learned something! She proceeded to look up the word sun and realized that it wasn't one bad deed but the choice to violate the moral "rules" of a supreme power/being (God)!

God, I pray that my gentle correction to her misunderstanding of your love and grace will grow in her spirit! I pray that her heart continues to open up to the wonderful world of knowing you and that it isn't a shackle but a key! May my simple obedience to your prompting today be a tiny light of hope in her life! Amen


  1. so true penny!

    great post and giving a new prespective to something that was negative....way to go my friend!


  2. Yes, I totally believe in hell and that those who don't get saved will go there, but I don't believe in fear tactics to persuade someone to do something that is not only about your eternity, but also about he quality of life here on earth!

    Thanks for the encouragement!

    I just realized now, I should edit a bit, a lot of spelling mistakes :)

    Love you too! Penny

  3. no, don't edit. proof reading and editing are for the weak. haha

    you ask a hard question. i think you said the right thing, i love, love, love how you responded to your friend that you are absolutely forcing your beliefs on your children. christianity gets such a bad rap. no one would think twice about forcing other beliefs on their children, but teaching kids the bible? whole other story :)

    great job! taking a stand for what you really, truely believe is not for the weak :))
